
Njambe Boloki (Central African Republic) The Supreme God. In a tale about the origin of death, Njambe allowed people to choose between having immortality and having personal possessions. One day, a man carrying two bundles appeared in a village and offered humans a choice between the bundles. One was large and contained beads, cloth, knives, mirrors, and other desirable objects. The smaller bundle, the man said, contained everlasting life. The women dressed themselves in the beads and cloth and greedily carried away the large bundle. The man—who was really the god Njambe—disappeared with the smaller bundle, and people lost their chance at immortality.

Taken from African Mythology A to Z – Library Binding – May 1, 2010- Second Edition – Written by Patricia Ann Lynch (Author), Jeremy Roberts Dr (Editor) – Copyright © 2004, 2010 by Patricia Ann Lynch