
Gaea (Ge, Gaia) (earth) In Greek mythology, Mother Earth; daughter of Chaos with Eros and Tartarus; called Terra or Tellus by the Romans. After the rule of Chaos (one of the infernal deities), Gaea appeared and gave birth to Uranus (the upper regions covering the earth). Then after having sexual intercourse with Uranus, she bore Cronus, Pallas, Oceanus, the Clyclopes, and the Titans. From the spilled blood and semen of Uranus she gave birth to the Erinyes, the giants, the Meliae, and Aurora. From the severed genitals of Uranus she became the mother of Aphrodite. An affair with Hephaestus produced Erichthonius; by Oceanus she bore Ceto, Crius, Eurybia, Nereus, Phorcys, and Thaumas; by Poseidon she bore Ogyges, Charybdis, and Antaeus. She is also the mother of Cecrops, Cranaus, Echo, Palaechthon, Rumor, Arion, and the serpent that guarded the Golden Fleece. Gaea appears in Hesiod’s Theogony (116 ff.), the Homeric Hymns (not by Homer), and Vergil’s Aeneid.


Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow-Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante