British UFO Research Association (BUFORA)

Originating in 1959 as the London UFO Research Organization, what was once LUFORO became BUFORA in 1964.
Today BUFORA is a nationwide network of about four hundred people who have a dedicated, non-cultist interest in understanding the UFO mystery. Within that membership are many active investigators and researchers working with the direct claims of witnesses to collate the data necessary to bring that understanding nearer.
A loose federation of U.K. regional UFO groups called the British UFO Association was formed in 1962. Over the next two years many of these groups decided to amalgamate all their activities under the BUFOA banner; so the organization was renamed the British UFO Research Association in 1964.
Benefits to members include BUFORA’s principal publication, which is the BUFORA Bulletin, a bi-monthly magazine of current interest articles.
The three aims of BUFORA are:
1. To encourage, promote and conduct unbiased scientific research of unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomena throughout the United Kingdom
2. To collect and disseminate evidence and data relating to unidentified flying objects
3. To coordinate UFO research throughout the United Kingdom and to cooperate with others engaged in such research throughout the world Research and Investigation Activities.
In pursuit of its aims, BUFORA supports active investigation and research teams. The investigation team carries out on site field investigation of cases, whilst the research team is involved in activities such as statistical research and technical support activities.
There are approximately fifty investigators and trainee investigators spread around the country. Trainee investigators are expected to work with an experienced investigator and to undertake a postal training course. These are supplemented by guidance notes. Investigators are expected to work to a Code of Practice.
BUFORA disseminates its findings and updates through several means:
• A lecture programme.
• UFO Telephone hotline.
• Publications.
• Internet.
70 High Street
Kent CT3 1BJ
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