Astrological Spread


The astrological spread is also known as horoscope spread or zodiac spread. It offers detailed overview of the seekers whole life in present, past and future. Twelve cards are spread in a circle, to represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. A thirteenth card is placed in the middle; often the significator.

Card Astrological Sign Represents
1 Aries A beginning; potential
2 Taurus Finances; material assets
3 Gemini Communication; siblings; surroundings
4 Cancer Parents; home life; roots
5 Leo Emotions; love; children
6 Virgo Health; employment
7 Libra Relationships; agreements
8 Scorpio The death of a person or situation; inheritance
9 Sagittarius Spiritual growth; religion; travel
10 Capricorn Career; ambition
11 Aquarius Friends; social groups
12 Pisces Secrets; solitude; the subconscious mind