
Bumba In African mythology (Bushong of the Congo), creator god; a gigantic white being in human form. Bumba existed alone in the universe when there was nothing but water. One day he felt severe internal stomach pains and vomited up the sun, moon, and stars, thus giving light to the world. The heat from the sun’s rays dried up the water, and sand banks began to appear. Bumba then vomited up eight living creatures: a leopard, a crested eagle, a crocodile, a small fish, a tortoise, a white heron, a beetle, and a goat. Then Bumba created humankind, among whom were three of his sons. The human race was given laws and customs to follow as well as rulers. When Bumba felt he had finished his work, he left for his home in the sky. Now he communicates with men through dreams and visions.


Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow– Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante