Hall, Mark A.

Mark A. Hall, a native Minnesotan, has been intrigued by nature’s anomalies all his life. For nearly forty years he has actively pursued historical records, traveled throughout eastern North America, and gathered eyewitness testimony concerning cryptozoological phenomena. He coauthored one of the first studies of Native “Bigfoot” traditions.

Hall, who has formulated unknown hominoid theories for years, proposed that North America is home not only to the Bigfoot of the Patterson Film but also to drastically different primates such as the True Giant (Gigantopithecus) and the Taller-hominid (a survival of the recorded fossil known as Homo gardarensis). He worked closely with Ivan T. Sanderson on a variety of projects, including the early investigations of the Minnesota Iceman, and served as a director of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained during the 1970s. Hall edits and publishes the journal Wonders, devoted mostly to cryptozoology. He is the author of Thunderbirds—The Living Legend! (2nd edition, 1994), Natural Mysteries (2nd edition, 1991), and The Yeti, Bigfoot and True Giants (2nd edition, 1997). More books are in progress, including Living Fossils (1999).



The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters,Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature
Written by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark – Copyright 1999 Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark