Tran Hong Viet

Tran Hong Viet, the chairman of the Zoology Department of Teachers Training College-Vietnam National University, has studied Vietnamese fauna for more than a quarter of a century as part of an effort to preserve Vietnam's natural environment. His research has led to the knowledge of cryptids and rare animals, including data on the Nguoi Rung (“Wildman”) of Vietnam.

His Nguoi Rung investigation, which began in 1977, has yielded footprints and other evidence. In 1982, he found and made a cast of a broad bur human-sized unknown hominoid footprint on the slopes of Chu Mo Ray near the Cambodian border in Kontum Province.

His studies of the Nguoi Rung continue currently through his position as director of the Vietnam Cryptozoic and Rare Animals Research Center. In 1998, the Vietnamese government awarded him a grant to publish his cryptozoological writings.



The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters,Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature
Written by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark – Copyright 1999 Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark