Vampires Miscellaneous

Bebarlangs (BEY-bar-lans) In the Philippines there is a tribe of people,the Bebarlangs, who all claim to have been born with ...

German Vampires
Germany has a great number of species of vampires, about fifty, and most of them are REVENANTs. Truth be told, ...

Le Mercure Galant
Le Mercure Galant ("The Gallant Mecury") was a late seventeenth-century newspaper similar to The G LEANER in that it reported ...

Mecaru Ceremony
Mecaru Ceremony (Me-CAR-oo) In the Balinese Hindu religion, achieving balance in all things is key, and by making yadnya (holy ...

Vampirdzhija (Vam-per-HEED-ah) From Bulgaria comes another type of vampire hunter known as a vampirdzhija. It specializes in the hunting and ...

Vampirdžia is a type of vampire slayer from the Balkans and western Bulgaria and Macedonia, this quasi-supernatural being has the ...

Vampire Evolution
The modern idea of the vampire is open to many different possibilities. What defines a vampire? And where did these ...