White Noise

White Noise (2005) First major film to feature a plot based on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). White Noise, produced by Universal Pictures and Gold Circle Films, emphasizes a Demonic element not characteristic of EVP.

The film challenges basic beliefs about life, death, and the afterlife and emphasizes the ease with which the living might be able to contact the dead. “There are nearly 7 billion audio and video recording devices in homes around the world,” the film advertises. “Nearly every one of them is a portal.”

Michael Keaton plays successful architect Jonathan Rivers, whose peaceful existence is shattered by the unexplained disappearance and death of his wife, Linda (Chandra West). She has been murdered. Jonathan is contacted by a man (Ian McNeice) who claims to be receiving messages from Linda through EVP. Jonathan is skeptical at first, but becomes convinced of the messages’ validity. He is soon obsessed with trying to contact her on his own. Jonathan’s further explorations into EVP and the accompanying supernatural messages unwittingly open a door to another world, allowing something uninvited—and evil—into his life. Shadowy, Demonic presences use EVP to materialize in the world and murder people. Another major victim besides Jonathan’s wife is the EVP researcher played by McNeice. Jonathan himself faces the beings and sacrifices himself in order to save another potential victim, a young woman.

SARAH ESTEP, the founder of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION —Electronic Voice Phenomena, has a voice-over role in the trailer for the film. It is an actual recording Estep made at Point Lookout in southern Maryland, a Civil War site. She asks the question, “Is there anyone here that can give a message?” A Class A (high quality) male voice answers, “I was seeing the war.

White Noise is directed by Geoffrey Sax, written by Niall Johnson (The Big Swap), and produced by Paul Brooks (executive producer of My Big Fat Greek Wedding) and Shawn Williamson (House of the Dead).



  • White Noise. The official Web site. Available online. URL: https://www.whitenoisemovie.com. Downloaded January 20, 2005.


The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley  – September 1, 2007