Joshua Chamberlain House Museum – Brunswick
The house was built in the 1820s and was renovated by Joshua Chamberlain in 1871. It stayed in the family until 1939, when it was sold to a local landlord. The landlord turned the building into apartments and it remained that way until 1983, when the Pejepscot Historical Society bought the home and began renovations to restore it to resemble Chamberlain’s time. The house is now almost completely restored, and it operates as a museum to help fund the ongoing renovations. Walking into the house is like stepping back in time. You can feel Joshua Chamberlain all around. A sensitive in Maine’s Paranormal Research Association saw him standing at the top of the stairs and watching us at one point. She also saw (and many of us less psychic could sense) Chamberlain’s wife, Fanny. Pictures taken in the house revealed orbs and faces in the glass around the house. A pair of boots in a glass case appeared to have a face when the picture was viewed. In the parlor room, Chamberlain still enjoys entertaining. Our sensitive described a man standing near the fireplace to the tour guide, who said the description fit the profile of General Sherman, a friend of Chamberlain! As many know, Chamberlain had been shot in the hip, and two people in our group experienced severe hip pain inside the home. For one person, the pain was so bad New England 27 that her leg became swollen and sore and she couldn’t walk. This was the same place Chamberlain was shot. The Chamberlains remain in their beautiful home, and their imprints as well as imprints of friends and family are also present here.
—Bill and Nancy Washell Co-Directors, Maine’s Paranormal Research Association
MAINE 04011
TEL: 1 (207) 729-6606
Encyclopedia of Haunted Places -Ghostly Locales from around the World – Compiled & Edited by Jeff Belanger – Copyright 2005 by Jeff Belanger