The Asatru Folk Assembly

The Asatru Folk Assembly


The Asatru Folk Assembly has a mission: to call the sons and daughters of Europe back to their native spirituality and to the tribes which are their birthright.

All indigenous or “pagan” religions spring from the soul of a particular people. The religion of the Sioux comes from the depths of the collective Sioux experience – not just as it is today, but as it has been from the beginning. The Sioux religion is not separable from the people, and has no meaning apart from them. The same may be said of indigenous African religions, the tribal religions of Asia – and the native religions of Europe, as well.

Men and women of European descent were torn from the bosoms of their tribes more than a thousand years ago. The Alemanni, the Cherusci, and the Iceni are no more. The man and woman on the street have forgotten that we were as tribal as the Comanche, the Zulu, and the Mandingo. This ignorance, however, has not kept us from suffering from the loss of our ancient ways. It is time to rebuild the tribal structures that nurtured us for thousands of years, time to find community with kin.

And what of our native spirituality? Few of us pause to consider that we had our own religions for thousands of years before an alien belief from a far-away land was forced upon us. Indeed, we have been Christians for only a very, very short time, compared to the many millennia of our existence.