
Ajyset (Ajysyt) (birth giver) In Siberian mythology, mother goddess worshipped by the Yakut, a Turkish people living near the Lena River. She presided over birth and brought souls from heaven to the newly born. She owned the Golden Book of Fate, which contained the names and fates of every human being, living or yet to be born.

In prayers she was often addressed as Ajy-Khotun (birth-giving mistress) and Ajysyt-Ijaksit-Khotun (birthgiving nourishing mother). Ajyset is similar to another Siberian goddess, Yakut-KubaiKhotun, worshipped by the Buriat, who lived in the Tree of Life or under its roots. She was considered the mother of men and animals.


Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow– Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante