



The Al is a type of generally malevolent, anti-fertility spirit held responsible for miscarriage and deaths of very young children. The Al is described as suffocating or strangling babies, but this may manifest as crib death (SIDS).

Those considered vulnerable to Als include pregnant women and infants from the moment of conception until seven months of age, at which point they are either immune or the Al loses interest. Iron amulets protect against Als, although they themselves bear iron. Those considering themselves invulnerable sometimes seek to control them. Allegedly sticking a pin into the Al’s clothing places it under your command. Beneath these ominous stories may lie forgotten (and now wrathful) pre-Chris tian deities.


Als are frequently invisible, but when they show themselves they are describedas having brass fingernails, iron teeth, tusks like a boar, and hair like snakes, similar to Gorgon Medusa.


Iron scissors

Metal: Iron

Places: Als prefer damp, dank places; they like stables and remote roadsides.


Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses – Written by : Judika Illes