Atheistic and Theistic Luciferianism

Luciferianism is a path with great variety in how it manifests. The variation in individual Luciferian or daemonolatry practice includes the whole range between the two perspectives below, and far further to each extreme. There are even some Luciferians who have a thing about Nazis and aliens, although their beliefs are widely mocked by all the other practitioners.

Atheistic Luciferianism

(by Vamamarga)

Non-theistic Luciferian Witches embrace a philosophy of freedom and individuality. We do not simply wish to replace one religious crutch with another.

Our morals are our own, born of our own experience and sense of honour, and not those imposed on us by others. Without honour and courage, we will not progress spiritually. We do what we believe to be right, not what others would tell us is right.

We do not seek the comfort of the herd, as we don’t regard ourselves as sheep, more as wolves. Ours is the Path of the Spiritual Predator, the Way of the Adversary. We recognise we are animals, no better or worse than any others.

Some days we are nice, some days we are not. We take responsibility for our actions, and learn from our mistakes. We acknowledge our inner darkness along with our inner light. Both must be allowed controlled expression, neither should be repressed or buried.

We are concerned with the now, not some mythical past or fanciful future pipe dreams.

Our Luciferianism is far more than just a philosophy, it has a symbolic, aesthetic component, which moves it to the realm of religion.
In common with many other paths, we see our “Gods” as immanent and transcendent. Existing both within us and outside of the created Universe.

We differ from our theistic friends, in that we choose to embrace Lucifer as a part of ourselves, resonating with our own innate deity.
Any external manifestation of Lucifer is viewed as a projection of our own fledgling divinity perfected. We are inspired by them, respect them, love them, but don’t worship them.

All our rituals are highly personal and are performed with full emotional content and focus. It is not a Path for the dabbler, or the curious, or the new-age thrill seeker.

There is no prior knowledge required nor any dogma to follow.
Quite simply, you will know if the Sinister current resonates within you.

Theistic Luciferianism

(By Angelica)

Throughout history, there will have been Luciferians of all personality types and demeanours. Their religion would have been grounds for persecution, so they wouldn’t have dressed all in black and worn a giant inverted pentagram.

Looking at the figure of Lucifer in the Bible, he does little more than encourage people to question what they’re told, he certainly isn’t nasty to others, so there’s no requirement for modern day Luciferians to have an aggressive outlook and lack the traits most of society see as desirable, or to use an unfashionable word, nice. He would want you to enjoy your life, and most of the time that requires getting along with others.

Luciferianism to the Theist is about worship and following Lucifer. Nothing more, nothing less. In that respect it’s just like any other religion which includes worship of a deity and prayer. He will tell you any practices and everyday behaviours you personally need to follow himself, and they may be solely designed for you. They may include letting you know what parts of your personality he feels you should develop, which of your everyday habits he wants you to drop, or any new behaviours or attitudes you should take up. Some Luciferians also believe unfortunate or challenging events are tests from Lucifer to help you develop personality traits he requires of you, such as a sense of strength.

The path of the Luciferian usually involves some rituals of dedication, such as a Luciferian baptism, (primarily for adults, to declare their new life in Lucifer) followed by a dedication ritual at a later date, which usually pledges a lifelong commitment. After this the initiatory rituals become more diverse and dependent on what the individual is told by their god is appropriate for them, such as to become a priest, or a bride of Lucifer.

Rites to the daemons and Lucifer often include an offering from a diabetic lancet, and/or a prayer or request for guidance. Magick can also be performed with the aid of the daemons or Lucifer.


Some theistic and atheistic Luciferians also revere other spirits. These can be seen by the Luciferian as faces of Lucifer, such as Ahriman or Samael, or as different manifestations of the daemonic, such as the Goetic daemons, or daemons from other hierarchies.

Within some forms of daemonolatry, there are initiatory practices which are different or additional to those of theistic Luciferianism. Instead of being solely to Lucifer, a baptism, initiation or dedication may be to the daemonic path in general, to several daemons, or to one particular daemon with which the daemonolator has been guided to form a connection; the patron or guardian daemon.

The patron daemon given to the daemonolator by the daemonic realm is usually one with which they have a kinship through their sharing personality traits or interests (such as a student being given a daemon governing the practice of acquiring knowledge.) Alternatively the character of the patron daemon can be in some sense opposite to that of the daemonolator, in order to balance them. A simple method of finding your patron daemon can be asking a pendulum to give you a yes or no for the operation (such as it circling or tracing and retracing a straight line.) Then find a list of daemons, such as the Goetic daemons, and work through them asking the pendulum ‘Is my patron daemon Bael?’ ‘Is my patron daemon Agares?’ and so on. This doesn’t take as long as you might think.

Evocation of the daemons using Ceremonial Magick

Some atheistic Luciferians, who tend to identify with the Left Hand Path, call on the daemons via commanding them to appear and obey them, using a ceremonial method. To command the daemons is seen by daemonolators as very disrespectful, but ceremonial magickians may see it as part of their practice, and may feel that the daemons as not real, but aspects of the self. Or they may disagree with the idea of worshipping any entity, seeing entities as a means of achieving the Great Work or True Will, fulfilment of their greatest possible spiritual and worldly achievement.


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