Bahram Gur
Bahram Gur (Bahramgor, Bahram Gor) In Persian mythology, a hero king appearing in the epic poem Shah Namah by Firdusi, as well as in the poem Haft Paykar (seven portraits) by another Persian poet, Nizami. Bahram Gur is encountered frequently in Persian poetry and legend. He is credited with the invention of Persian poetry and appears in many tales as a “great hunter.” In Firdusi’s epic Bahram Gur married seven princesses, daughters of the king of the Seven Climates, each of whom told him a story at night before retiring. Each night Bahram Gur slept with a different wife and heard a different tale. Often Bahram Gur is depicted in Persian art hunting with his mistress Azada. One scene often portrayed is that of the hero meeting a shepherd who has hung his dog on a tree because the dog let the wolf steal lambs from his flock. Some scholars believe Bahram Gur is a portrait of a Sassanian king of Persia who lived in the fifth century c.e.
Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow– Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante