The barmanu, which means “big hairy one” in one dialect spoken in Pakistan, is a humanlike, fur-covered creature that supposedly lives in Pakistan’s Shishi Kuh valley. In the 1990s French researchers seeking the creature spotted footprints said to have been made by a barmanu; they also heard sounds so strange and smelled an odor so foul that they believed it could only have come from a barmanu. No other evidence of the animal has been found. Nonetheless, believers in other man-beasts like bigfoot and the yeti say that the existence of the barmanu is highly likely given that the region it supposedly inhabits is remote and similar in topography to some other supposed man-beast habitats.
- Bigfoot
- Man-Beasts
- Yeti
The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Paranormal Phenomena – written by Patricia D. Netzley © 2006 Gale, a part of Cengage Learning