
Basa-Andre is a beautiful but dreaded spirit of the Pyrenees Mountains, called the ā€œland mermaidā€ or ā€œmountain mermaid,ā€ sharing many mermaid characteristics but lacking the fishtail. Basa-Andre sits at the threshold of remote mountain caves (and perhaps thereā€™s pools of water in those caves) or atop large stones, combing her long hair with a gold comb. She is not particularly sociable and does not want to be bothered.

Basa-Andre has a reputation of luring people to their doom, but she is not an aggressive spirit. She doesnā€™t pursue victims. Tragedy tends to befall men who presume that she is a lone, defenseless, and beautiful woman and who pursue her perhaps with not such innocent intent. She leads them to dangerous precipices and unstable ground where only a spirit walks safely. Basa-Andre is a great sorceress privy to the secrets of the mountains. If addressed very politely and cautiously, she may be persuaded to reveal information.






Ornaments for her hair, cosmetics, perfume, beautiful shiny smooth stones


Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses– Written by Judika Illes Copyright Ā© 2009 by Judika Illes.