
Near Bisley there is a large round barrow known as Money Tump which had the reputation of being haunted. J. B.
Partridge reported in 1912 a tale of some men coming home from a fair who, seeing people ahead of them whom they
assumed to be friends of theirs, hurried to catch up with them as they drew near Money Tump – only to find that these figures had no heads. The local historian Edith Brill, writing in 1985, tells how she asked an old man the way to Money Tump, and he said, β€˜he wished he could borrow a bulldozer and search for the money that lay hidden inside it and then he would be rich for the rest of his life.’ Yet she goes on to offer her readers a comment which enshrines an equally traditional view:

I hesitated to tell him that the legend says it got its name during one of the forays of the Saxons when a wealthy chief fleeing for his life dropped his money as he fled.



Haunted England : The Penguin Book of Ghosts – Written by Jennifer Westwood and Jacqueline Simpson
Copyright Β© Jennifer Westwood and Jacqueline Simpson 2005, 2008