
Cacodaemon DEE Variations: Cacodemons, Kakadaimon, Kakodaimon, Kakos Daimon

Named for a Greek word meaning ā€œbad demonā€ or ā€œbad spiritā€ that crossed over into the Enochian language sometime in the sixteenth century, Cacodaemons were said by some sources to be the FALLEN ANGELS. Banished from Heaven and unable to ļ¬nd a place of their own to call home, they settled down to live in the space between the earth and the stars. They have been described as being large and powerfully built humanoids with dark-hued skin and also as a swirling black mass. Cacodaemons are attracted to a particular person at birth; the demon attaches itself to that person and follows them through their life, controlling their impulses and personalities from time to time. They also act as a messenger between their charge and the gods. Hostile by nature, they take pleasure in acting out revenge and causing injury. Some demonologists placed them under the command of the god Hades. Inferior demons, they have dominion over the twelfth house of the Zodiac. The opposite of a Cacodaemon is an agathodaemon (AGATHODEMON) or eudemon.


  • Hyatt, Book of Demons, 60;
  • Russell, Lucifer, the Devil in the Middle Ages, 249;
  • Wray, Birth of Satan, 25.