The Demon Dorochiel is a Demon among the 31 Aerial Spirits of Solomon. Dorochiel rules in the west and north as a prince.
Forty dukes attend him during the day and 40 more at night. In order to summon the dukes and their servants, a magician must pay attention to the planetary hours when they rule. All are good-natured and agreeable.
The 12 dukes of the morning are
- Magael
- Artino
- Efiel
- Maniel
- Efiel
- Suriet/Maniel
- Carsiel/Suriel
- Casiel
- Fabiel
- Carba
- Merach
- Althor
- Omiel
The 12 dukes of the afternoon are
- Gudiel
- Asphor
- Emuel
- Soriel
- Cabron
- Diviel
- Abriel
- Danael
- Lomor
- Casael
- Buisiel
- Larfos
The 12 dukes of the early evening are
- Nahaiel
- Ofsiel
- Bulls
- Momel
- Darborl
- Paniel
- Cursas
- Aliel
- Aroziel
- Cusyne
- Vraniel
- Pelusar
The 12 dukes who govern after midnight are
- Pafiel
- Gariel
- Soriel
- Maziel
- Futiel
- Cayros
- Narsial
- Moziel
- Abael
- Meroth
- Cadriel
- Lodiel