HAILWAY Navajo (Dineh) A ceremonial curing complex, or group of ceremonies (called chants, sings, or ways) conducted to heal illness and restore harmony (hózhó) in the universe (see NAVAJO [DINEH] CEREMONIALS). Hailway is included in the HOLYWAY classification of ceremonials, which are used to restore health by attracting good.
The related traditional account follows the adventures of Rainboy, who had a weakness for GAMBLING. The shy Rainboy spent the night with the wife of White Thunder, not knowing she was someone’s wife. When White Thunder discovered this, he shattered Rainboy with a lightning bolt (or a hailstorm in some versions). The WINDS (see NILCH’I) and other DIYIN DINEH (Holy People) restored Rainboy to life. Rainboy had to be restored again when he lost a contest to FROG, who disabled him with hail.
Frog won many of Rainboy’s body parts, which the Thunders gained back with offerings. In the end, Rainboy rode lightning, rain, sunbeams, and rainbows to the homes of the diyin dineh, who taught him the Hailway rituals. When he returned to his family, he introduced Hailway to the Navajo (Dineh).
Native American Mythology A to Z – ( first edition ) – Written by Patricia Ann Lynch – Copyright © 2004 by Patricia Ann Lynch