Hall, Dennis Jay

Dennis Jay Hall was born in Middlebury, Vermont. In 1973, he was elected president of the Vergennes Chapter of the Vermont Archeological Society. While he was serving in that capacity, the board of trustees of the Vermont Archeological Society appointed him to a special task force to write laws to protect archaeological sites. A lifelong love of Vermont history has led him to many discoveries, from the sites of the earliest Native Americans to the cellar holes of the first white settlers.

In the summer of 1965, when he was nine years old, Hall had an experience that would change his life. His aunt Shirley and uncle Pete Bigelow had been boating in Plattsburgh Bay. While anchored in the crystal-clear, sandy-bottomed bay, they saw one of the animals known as Champ swim under their boat. The tale they told when they came home changed Hall’s life.

For the past twenty years Hall has been engaged in the search for the Champ animals that reportedly inhabit Lake Champlain. He has sighted them on no fewer than nineteen occasions. He now directs Champ Quest. Hall is currently writing a book about Champ titled The Ultimate Search. It is a combination field guide and narrative of his two-decade inquiry.


The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters,Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature
Written by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark – Copyright 1999 Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark