Santoshi Ma

Santoshi Ma

Mother of Contentment


Santoshi Mata; Santoshi Maa



New spirits are forever being born. Santoshi Ma, now one of India’s most beloved goddesses, appeared sometime between the late 1950s and early 1960s, seemingly out of nowhere. Five temples in different locations in Northern India were dedicated to her in the early 1960s. Her reputation grew, mainly via word of mouth, until in 1975 she was the subject of a low-budget but blockbuster hit movie, Jai Santoshi Maa, and she catapulted to fame and first national then international recognition.

Since 1975, shrines to Santoshi Ma have proliferated. She has been incorporated into the Hindu pantheon as Ganesha’s daughter and may be considered an avatar of Durga. Although many devotees are women seeking domestic happiness and social mobility, Santoshi Ma is venerated by both men and women.

Santoshi Ma bestows health, wealth, happiness, and successful marriages. Her gift is social mobility. For millennia, people’s identities and social status were determined by their ancestry. Santoshi Ma cuts through these restrictions: she offers economic success and good luck. She is a spirit of joy and contentment. In reflection of her sweet nature and the sweet life they desire, Santoshi Ma’s devotees eat only sweet foods, not sour.

Day: Friday



Ritual: Fast and pray to her on sixteen consecutive Fridays for prosperity and peace in the family. Break the fast with white foods like yogurt or milk. When she fulfills your petition, it’s traditional to serve a feast of sweet foods to eight boys in her honor.


Candles, incense, jaggery (a kind of unrefined sugar), flowers, roasted chickpeas. Never offer Santoshi Ma anything sour—it enrages her.


Durga, Ganesha, Lakshmi, Phoolan Devi and the Glossary entries for Avatar and Pantheon


Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses – Written by : Judika Illes Copyright © 2009 by Judika Illes.