Instrumental Transcommunication

instrumental transcommunication High-technology communication with nonphysical beings and the dead. Instrumental transcommunication (ITC) evolved out of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), and includes EVP.

ITC is a partnership of worlds. Higher beings, called ethereals, collaborate with deceased people, such as scientists, to form communication bridges with the living. Different spirit groups have their own team names, such as Timestream and Juno.

The ethereals are beings of a higher consciousness who are beyond form. Some might use the term “angel” to describe them, though that label is far too limiting and also tied to religious associations. ITC transcends the boundaries of religions.

Communication, often-two way and real-time, is made via telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, camera, and various invented devices. It is alchemical in nature, in that the quality of human consciousness, not machines, determines success.


High technology is the most recent chapter in humanity’s attempts to communicate with otherworldly realms. In ancient times, technology was the human body. Communication was achieved through visions, DREAMS, raptures, divination, and oracles. Mediumship continues in popularity. The technology of photography, radio, television, audio and video recording, telephones, faxes, and computers paved the way for ITC.

EVP research—audio recordings of disembodied voices—began in earnest in the 1930s. By the 1950s, researchers around the world were experimenting with other forms of communication. One ITC pioneer was George W. Meek, an American engineer whose interest in survival after death led him to meet medium William O’Neill in 1977. At a Séance with O’Neill, a deceased guide told Meek he would receive instructions for building a special device that could communicate with the dead. The result was “Spiricom,” a device built in a partnership between Meek and O’Neill. Meek founded the MetaScience Foundation to pursue more research.

Meek also explored metaphysics. He said there are hundreds of universes that share space with our universe. Each has its own frequency. The spirit worlds have much higher frequencies than we have on Earth. They remain imperceptible to us, even to our technology. Special technology and assistance from the other side can make a communications bridge possible. Such communication would be pure rather than fi ltered through a human medium. Mediumship had failed to provide solid proof of survival, but direct communication via technology promised to provide evidence that could not be refuted.

From 1979 to 1982, Meek worked with the Spiricom and recorded two-way conversations between the living and the dead. He gave others the instructions for building the device, but no one who did reported any success. (Subsequent ITC researchers have had similar experiences in that what works for one does not necessarily work for all. This seems to validate the role of individual consciousness in obtaining results.)

After Spiricom, Meek sought to establish communication with beings in higher realms. “Project Lifeline” involved the development of sophisticated equipment that could send and receive higher frequencies. Meek hired psychics and mediums to get technical advice from the other side. But despite all efforts, no technical contacts were made.

The technical contacts desired by Meek began happening in the 1980s. At the center were a Luxembourg couple, Maggy Harsch Fischbach and her husband, Jules Harsch. In 1985, Maggy began experimenting with EVP and had immediate success. Soon a single, recognizable voice appeared repeatedly, talking authoritatively on a broad range of topics. The voice identified itself as Technician, a member of the Seven, a council of ethereals who were seeking to establish a reliable communications link with the living on Earth. The Seven referred to their spiritual brethren as Rainbow People, so named because when they lower their vibration to manifest on the astral plane, they shimmer in rainbow colors.

According to Technician, the Rainbow People were attracted to her sincerity and interest and had chosen her to assist in their efforts to build a communications bridge to Earth. She would be aided by Timestream, a team of deceased scientists, relatives, technical experts, celebrities, and others who live on the astral plane. The ultimate goal would be to establish receiving stations around the world. The Harsch-Fischbach home became the first fully functioning ITC receiving station.

Maggy and Jules set up a system of televisions, radios, telephones, and computers for the experiments. Within a few years, they were receiving photos from the spirit world on their TV sets, phone calls, and long and clear messages via radio. Many phone calls came from Konstantin Raudive, a deceased leader in EVP.

Maggy and Jules began quietly publicizing their work, attracting the attention of Meek and other prominent researchers in the field, many of whom were getting high-tech communications of their own. International cooperation looked promising as computer technology expanded communications.

Jules and Maggy formed the Cercle d’Etudes sur la Transcommunication (CETL) in 1985. After receiving major breakthroughs in TV, radio, computer, and phone contacts, they joined with U.S. researcher Mark Macy in 1995. Macy, drawn to EVP and ITC after overcoming colon cancer in 1988, had met Meek in 1991. Meek introduced him to others in the international ITC community, including Maggy and Jules.

Internationally, researchers had difficulty uniting. Despite many good intentions and meetings, ITC never gelled. Researchers disagreed over protocols, results, and public disclosures. Meanwhile, the ethereals kept stressing that without resonance—a unifi ed consciousness of sincerity, ethics, morals, and harmony among the researchers—the work ultimately would not succeed. ITC transmissions continued, however, while researchers tried to organize and collaborate.

By 1995, serious rifts had developed among ITC researchers. In September that year, a group of them— including Maggy, Jules, and Macy—met at a symposium and made another attempt to organize. They established the International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication (INIT), with headquarters in Luxembourg. Macy was named head of the North American effort. Membership doubled in INIT’s first two years. But friction and problems continued, and the organization lasted only four years. Most of the researchers went their separate ways or formed small collaborations.

Macy formed his own group,, in 1998. He has worked closely with ITC researchers, such as Rolf Erhardt of Ratingen, Germany, who in turn has helped to get ITC data translated into English.

In 1999, Macy met Jack Stucki, a Colorado Springs therapist who used a machine called the LUMINATOR, to facilitate Spirit Photography with Polaroid cameras. Macy acquired one to further his ITC research.

Numerous independent ITC organizations exist internationally. Maggy and Jules have continued to receive communications from the Timestream team, Technician and The Seven. The AMERICAN ASSOCIATION—Electronic Voice Phenomena assists in ITC research and public education.

ITC Technology

It is not known exactly how ITC happens. Communicators appear to modulate noise matrices provided by experimenters. For example, a video camera connected to a television set creates a feedback loop that produces a sort of visual static that communicators can manipulate to form images. Similarly, a telephone hooked to a computer produces background noises that can be modulated into words. Direct Voice Radio (DRV) involves tuning a radio to certain frequencies that seem to provide the right noise matrix for spirit voices.

Researchers invent their own devices, often with assistance from other realms. Frank’s Box is a low-frequency scanner designed to facilitate two-way, real-time communication. The box picks up AM radio noise in either a random or linear scan. Spirit communications are embedded in the noise. The box was developed in 2002 by Frank Sumption of Colorado, who began experimenting in EVP and then received instructions for building his device. Pictures have appeared on televisions sets that are turned off. ITC also includes messages that appear on answering machines, faxes transmitted by themselves, and files that appear mysteriously on computers. ITC, like EVP, can be accompanied by other paranormal phenomena, such as poltergeist-like effects, unusual DREAMS, and Apparitions.

Both EVP and ITC have been analyzed with forensics software by IL Laboratorio in Italy, founded in 2001. According to Paolo Presi, who directs the laboratory, forensics voice analyses Demonstrate that the sounds made by EVP voices are sometimes impossible to reproduce by the human vocal chords. Face recognition software has been used to correctly match ITC faces with photos of the deceased.

An unusual form of ITC work has been done Alan and Diane Bennett, English mediums who participated in the famous Scole Experimental Group in England in the 1990s. The Bennetts photograph natural crystals at high magnifi cation. Faces and images appear in the matrix of the crystals. Quartz yields the best results. The technique was inspired by a visionary dream in which an entity showed Alan a crystal.

Brazilian researcher Sonia Rinaldi, who uses a telephone connected to a computer to record real-time EVP phone calls between the living and the dead, began having ITC contact with beings who identified themselves as extraterrestrials. Her EVP work had evolved into ITC. She created a system of a computer and video camera hooked together in a mirror mode. Real-time mirror images of living people are modulated by communicators to create new images, such as faces of the dead.

Around 2002, Rinaldi met communicators who said they were ETs. They were just making themselves known, though their presence had been around much longer. Initially, Rinaldi was disturbed, due to the negative portrayal of ETs by the media. She even shut down her laboratory for a time. The ETs assured her that their purpose was not to harm, but to improve contact with Earth. Rinaldi resumed her ITC work.

The ETs requested the mirrored, split images of people. Where the images come together, they create onehalf of their own image and the camera duplicates it. Sometimes Rinaldi holds a cloth over the person in front of the camera, and images appear on the cloth. They have created images of the dead and of themselves. They have big heads and animate their images in real time. Rinaldi came to the conclusion that they are “advanced beings at a higher vibrational rate, with an advanced science.”

The Afterlife

According to Timestream, after death humans go to the astral plane, which is much like Earth but more of a paradise with different physics. This conforms with nearly all the major spiritual traditions, including Spiritualism, which hold that Earth is a reflection of the spiritual world. (See also Emanuel Swedenborg.)

On the astral plane, people continue to do many of the same things they did on Earth: they live in houses, work at jobs, have relationships and families, and share common interests with others. They can shed their astral body to merge with the environment—though they retain their individuality—and move freely through time and space.

The dead may spend a long time on the astral plane, but at some point they feel a need to move on. Some may reincarnate on Earth. Others seek to raise their vibration and ascend to the more subtle realms of the ethereals, where they live in love, peace, and beauty, immersed in Light. Even higher are realms of pure consciousness. In order to attain these levels, souls must purge themselves of negativity.

Some souls who go higher become what would be called angels. They acquire white ethereal bodies and shimmer in gold and white or in rainbow colors when they move down to the lower astral planes.

ITC images of this astral existence transmitted to televisions and computers created divisiveness among ITC researchers involved in Timestream. Some could not accept that heaven or the afterlife would so closely duplicate life on Earth. The Seven explained that material things exist in many dimensions simultaneously. If pictures were sent directly from the higher realms, nothing would be recognizable to people on Earth.

The Project

According to ethereals, humans are crossbreeds of primitive men on Earth and godlike superhumans of Eden, otherwise known as the planet Marduk, which once orbited between Mars and Jupiter. Marduk more or less blew itself up with its own technologies. Its marooned colonists on Earth established Atlantis, a super civilization which met the same fate, destroying itself with its own misused technology. A group of ethereals called The Seven came to Earth to help the survivors. Thus began The Project: to help humans regain their spiritual birthright.

Macy has been told by ethereals that six attempts at The Project have been undertaken since post-Atlantean times, and all have failed due to human failings. Humans constantly struggle with their animal side. The ethereals seek to help humans conquer their animal nature and raise their spiritual awareness.

The seventh attempt at The Project began with the ITC research in the 20th century. If this attempt does not succeed, the ethereals say, they may abandon The Project or at least pull back for a while. They desire all of humanity to participate in it, not just one or two cultures.


  • Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. “The Dead Are Just a Phone Call Away.” FATE, October 2006.
  • Macy, Mark. Miracles in the Storm: Talking to the Other Side with the New Technology of Spiritual Contact. New York: New American Library, 2001.
  • ———. Spirit Faces: Truth About the Afterlife. York Beach, Me.: Red Wheel/Weiser Books, 2006.


The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits– Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – September 1, 2007

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