The Wealthy One
Komokwa is King of the Sea, Lord of all undersea creatures, master and special protector of seals. Komokwa distributes and guards wealth. Komokwa rules an underwater realm inhabited by fish and sea creatures but also by magical sea bears and sea eagles. He lives in an underwater palace formed entirely of copper and filled with blankets, copper, carvings: basically everything that the Kwakiutl people traditionally perceived as luxuries. Komokwa is a hospitable, generous host. If you can reach his palace, whether by literal or shamanic means, he will make sure that you leave carrying boxes filled with magical treasures.
He may appear as a man; a giant octopus or something in between
The Kwakiutl, an indigenous people of Vancouver Island and the adjacent mainland, are acclaimed for their carved, painted wooden masks. Traditionally carved for shamanic use, they are now also crafted for art collectors. Komokwa is a popular subject of masks.
Consort: Talio (Copper Maker Woman)
Spirit ally: Komokwa’s servant is an octopus, also a spirit of wealth and prosperity; if Komokwa wants to see you, he may send an octopus to pull you into the water and deliver you to his realm (and hopefully escort you safely back home, too).
Sacred animals: Seals; killer whales (Orcinus orca); sculpin fish; octopus
Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses– Written by :Judika Illes Copyright © 2009 by Judika Illes.