The Manipulation of Passive and Active Energies

he Manipulation of Passive and Active Energies

With Rev. Frederick Nagash This is the Class and the Class Logs that were on #colucifer on DALnet. Energy as previously discussed comes in two forms. Active, which would be described as inner energy and mental energy, and Passive energy which comes in the form of blood, semen (Both male and female) etc… Knowing which energies to employ at what times during a ritual is an intricate part of all magickal practice. During the act of Purifying the chambers you cast Active energies towards each of the four corners of Evocation. By Active once again, it is meant in a mental sense in this case as well as a casting sense in that you cast forth this energy towards a desired goal.

Any Questions so far? However passive energies are employed in many different ways during a magickal working. One way is through ritual sacrifice, another is by drinking a small portion of blood (Your own is preferred and safest) during say a black mass or powerful ritual. Also in the event of you calling for a pact to be made with a spirit/godform blood is used to sign the parchment as a show of devotion towards your desired goal and dedication to upholding the pact itself. Any Questions so far? Magick in all forms utilizes all of the aforementioned energies in almost all cases. Torelian magick is a exponent of energy manipulation within a certain confine of practice. All Magick done intentionally is an act of will, will=Energy applied to a desired goal which=Magick! Any Questions so far? The Chinese cultivation of Chi is an act of drawing forth Active energies which are used to heal and strengthen the body. Chaos Magick is the act of mind play in which forces the subconscious to send active energies towards the goal or will. The previous examples were used to show how active energies are used in magick and the next examples to show how passive energies are are employed. The Ancient Mayan Blood Sacrifice to appease a godform and or be granted a bountiful harvest. Vampiric Magick in which blood is shared to attain union with a godform and or person basically a vampiric wedding ritual. Enochian sex magick in which a couple uses semen (Male and female) as a sacrifice to achieve magickal influence in a specific goal or act of will. Any questions so far? The manipulation of too much energy can lead the advanced magickian to what is known as Gnosis. Gnosis is a magickal state in which the magickian expends to much energy and or deprivation to achieve magickal consciousness. It is applied when ever a magick “Leaves his body” so to speak and enters an almost floating dimension between shadow time and real time, also what I call “Walking by the Eclipse”. It is a theory of Quantum Physics which I will not discuss in this class. I will now move on to how one can manipulate energy to reach gnosis but before I do does anyone have any questions? Gnosis can be achieved in many ways, one is to over exert your mind such as to remain awake for multiple days without sleep, this expends to much energy without sleep to replenish it and will force one to achieve gnosis. Another way (which is not recommended in any way by the COL) is to be forced into so much pain that the mind becomes black and you drift off into an almost zombie like state. That method is not recommended as some have extremely high thresh holds for pain and the body may be harmed and or scarred unnecessarily. Also days without sex say for two weeks one goes without sex, than when (s)he does have sex at the point of orgasm the stop, repeat this about 10 times before allowing yourself to have an orgasm and gnosis can be reached due to energy exertion.

Any Questions on this? Ok, well that concludes this class for tonight, what I expect for homework from each of you is a short essay explaining your experiences with Gnosis and or energy manipulation in all forms. This is due on Saturday this week and should be sent to . Thank you all again for not screwing around during class and making these classes possible!!! Class Logs nagash09: Class is about to begin just waiting a few more minutes…. Praecantrix: whats the class going to be on? nagash09: Energy Manipulation Praecantrix: sounds interesting.. Rev_Esos: very nagash09> Like how to utilize Passive and active energies… Rev_Esos> nagash can I pm u for just a sec? nagash09> 2 mins it start.. nagash09> Sure just one or two though Rev_Esos> k Praecantrix> nagash, a lil later tonight i'll email you the questions i have so far for the interview Praecantrix> so u and satrinah can think of what you'll say nagash09> kewl great Prae:) nagash09> ok well class is about to begin! nagash09> I will begin by asking if those who were at my last class remember what I talked about with Active and Passive energies? Rev_Esos> a little nagash09> ok, well what you will need to do, is go to the members section of the col website nagash09> and read through it nagash09> it is posted in members section 2 nagash09> this class will also be posted after we condense it nagash09> are we all ready? nagash09> awaiting….. -> [Rev_Esos] PING nagash09> am I lagging? Rev_Esos> yes nagash09> brb nagash09> ok back -Rev_Esos- [Tø®mêñt][ 123456789 ] REPLY 3 Seconds -[Tø®mêñt] |SEPULTURA|> hi nag |SEPULTURA|> wb nagash09> Thanx Rev_Esos> sorry bout earlier, sep |SEPULTURA|> np nagash09> ok well is everyone ready for class to begin? |SEPULTURA|> yeah |SEPULTURA|> 10:15 already

|SEPULTURA|> heh nagash09> k Rev_Esos> yes nagash09> Energy as previously discussed comes in two forms. Active, which would be described nagash09> as inner energy and mental energy, and Passive energy which comes in the form of blood, semen nagash09> (Both male and female) etc… Knowing which energies to employ at what times during a ritual nagash09> is an intricate part of all magickal practice. During the act of nagash09> Purifying the chambers you cast Active energies towards each of the four corners nagash09> of Evocation. By Active once again, it is meant in a mental sense in this case as well nagash09> as a casting sense in that you cast forth this energy towards a desired goal. *** |SEPULTURA| is now known as Luciferious nagash09> Any Questions so far? Rev_Telarian> nope Rev_Esos> not yet… nagash09> k nagash09> However passive energies are employed in many different ways during a magickal working. nagash09> One way is through ritual sacrifice, another is by drinking a small portion of blood nagash09> (Your own is prefered and safest) during say a black mass or powerful ritual. Also in the event nagash09> of you calling for a pact to be made with a spirit/godform blood is used to sign the parchment as nagash09> a show of devotion towards your desired goal and dedication to upholding the pact itself. nagash09> Any Questions so far? Luciferious> nope Rev_Esos> nope npt yet *** heath2k ( has joined #colucifer nagash09> k nagash09> Magick in all forms utilizes all of the aforementioned energies in almost all cases. Torelian nagash09> magick is a exponent of energy manipulation within a certain confine of practice. All Magick nagash09> done intentionally is an act of will, will=Energy applied to a desired goal which=Magick! nagash09> Any Questions so far? heath2k> has class started nagash09> yes Rev_Esos> what about the semen dealy? nagash09> Ritual use of semen, is used in place of blood Rev_Esos> drinking it? nagash09> like attaining orgasm in the name of _N_ nagash09> no nagash09> not drinking it, using it in constructive ways such as if used in the pact

Rev_Esos> good Rev_Esos> ahh nagash09> you can put semen on the pact itself and use it when it is dry nagash09> any more questions? Luciferious> n Rev_Esos> nope nagash09> k nagash09> The Chinese cultivation of Chi is an act of drawing forth Active energies which are used to heal nagash09> and strengthen the body. Chaos Magick is the act of mind play in which forces the subconscious nagash09> to send active energies towards the goal or will. The previous examples were used to show how nagash09> active energies are used in magick and the next examples to show how passive energies are are nagash09> employed. The Ancient Mayan Blood Sacrifice to appease a godform and or be granted a bountiful nagash09> harvest. Vampiric Magick in which blood is shared to attain union with a godform and or person nagash09> basically a vampi nagash09> vampiric wedding ritual. Enochian sex magick in which a couple uses semen (Male and nagash09> female) as a sacrifice to achieve magickal influence in a specific goal or act of will. *** Jesus666 ( has joined #colucifer *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesus666 nagash09> Any questions so far? *** Z^a^c^k ( has joined #colucifer Z^a^c^k> !op Rev_Esos> nope *** SaTaNBOT sets mode: +o Z^a^c^k nagash09> k nagash09> The manipulation of too much energy can lead the advanced magickian to what is known as Gnosis. nagash09> Gnosis is a magickal state in which the magickian expends to much energy and or deprivation nagash09> to achieve magickal consciousness. It is applied when ever a magick “Leaves his body” so to nagash09> speak and enters an almost floating dimension between shadow time and real time, also what I call nagash09> “Walking by the Eclipse”. It is a theory of Quantum Physics which I will not discuss in this class. nagash09> I will now move on to how one can manipulate energy to reach gnosis but before I do does anyone nagash09> have any questions? Luciferious> n Rev_Esos> huh uh nagash09> k nagash09> Gnosis can be achieved in many ways, one is to over exert your mind such

as to remain awake for nagash09> multiple days without sleep, this expends to much energy without sleep to replenish it and will nagash09> force one to achieve gnosis. Another way (which is not recomended in any way by the COL) is to nagash09> be forced into so much pain that the mind becomes black and you drift off into an almost zombie nagash09> like state. nagash09> That method is not recomended as some have extremely high thresh holds for pain nagash09> and the body may be harmed and or scarred un-necessarily. Also days without sex say for two nagash09> weeks one goes without sex, than when (s)he does have sex at the point of orgasm the stop, repeat nagash09> this about 10 times before allowing yourself to have an orgasm and gnosis can be reached due to nagash09> energy exertion. nagash09> Any Questions on this? Rev_Esos> nope sound fun Rev_Esos> 🙂 heath2k> i”ll try that heath2k> again and again nagash09> very good Luciferious> heh Rev_Esos> okay I thought of one nagash09> k Rev_Esos> how can one tell if (s)he reaches gnosis? nagash09> you will know it, it is as described as leaving your body…. nagash09> in a sense Rev_Esos> aastral projection? nagash09> like astral projection nagash09> but more affective in basic magickal workings nagash09> 🙂 Rev_Esos> oh okay nagash09> You all are such good students you make my classes FLY on by nagash09> c-mon any more questions? Rev_Esos> I C heath2k> i think i have been there before nagash09> someone must have a question….. heath2k> through chemotosis nagash09> yes chemognosis is yet another way to reach it Rev_Telarian> once in gnosis how do you work magick? nagash09> however it is not recommended due to legal reasons Luciferious> not me yet Rev_Esos> okay I have another nagash09> Once in gnosis you are completely open to work the will Rev_Esos> can gnosis be reached through meditation or hypnosis? Rev_Telarian> just think it nagash09> sometimes Esos…but not usually Rev_Telarian> ?

nagash09> Like thinking it, but what you do is implant the desire into your subconscience Rev_Esos> oh okay nagash09> than once in Gnosis, you can apply the full attention of the will Rev_Esos> well I had an experience today, through thinking only of my girlfriend nagash09> Gnosis is like passing through the head of a needle as I heard it once described Rev_Esos> then I didn't think again till 2 hrs. later nagash09> Esos thinking about something simply will not lead to gnosis nagash09> any more questions? Rev_Esos> I guess it was more like meditation on a single thought nagash09> yep nagash09> you must be able to completely stop your mind nagash09> any other questions? Rev_Telarian> anger can induce that can't it nagash09> yes, once anger turns to what is called “Blind Rage” it can induce Gnosis Luciferious> like Luciferious> the moments before u fall asleep Luciferious> but you're still conscient Luciferious> for a longer time nagash09> yes like the seconds before you fall asleep…but you will only reach gnosis for a few seconds before sleep nagash09> exactly Luciferious> ened? nagash09> Yes Luciferious Rev_Esos> like being so mad you no longer care about anything else nagash09> Gnosis is not a hypnotic thing esos Rev_Esos> then you forget to even think nagash09> not at all esos nagash09> it is not thinking about anything at all….. nagash09> not one thing Rev_Esos> well I did it through thinking of my g-friend nagash09> being so mad voice cant contain you, you no longer even hear anything nagash09> NO ESOS LISTEN! Luciferious> got it nagash09> you cannot do it by thiking of anything nagash09> it is not thinking of something Rev_Esos> okay nagash09> it is thinking of nothing Rev_Esos> I think I'm taking too much class time nagash09> your mind stops completely Rev_Esos> go on Luciferious> i think ive gotten it when i had a simple operation in my throat, and somehow i didnt react well to the anesthesia Luciferious> and when i woke up i couldnt see anything well and i thought i had died or something nagash09> Luciferious you have reached gnosis! Luciferious> i got in that state for hours nagash09> yes! nagash09> Luciferious has got it

Luciferious> damn nagash09> Any other questions? Rev_Telarian> how do you insist your wil lduring that Rev_Telarian> will Luciferious> cool Rev_Esos> I'm saying that I got to that point by thinking of one thing till I just started staring and my eyes unfocused then I looked at the clock, it was 2 hrs. later Luciferious> i never knew it had a name Rev_Telarian> ?? heath2k> ginosis is like the the place your body goes when you have a near death experince or a great high or deep meditaion it is what occours when you stop thinking all together on this level nagash09> You induce will through implanting a thought beforehand and while on gnosis you envision your goal without thinking about it Rev_Esos> see I'm in AEP all day Rev_Esos> that's basically isolation nagash09> YEs Heath has got it! Rev_Telarian> oh so like putting in sub concous and it jsut comes in gnosis Luciferious> nag- it has something to do with indian meditation? nagash09> Yes Telarian Rev_Telarian> ok i got it heath2k> ok nagash09> Yes Luciferious, in indian sweat lodge's gnosis is reached Luciferious> go on nagash nagash09> When they sweat so much they lose all control of their mind and think of nothing….some say they see visions due to it….. nagash09> but their mind is completely black nagash09> that is gnosis Luciferious> i guess american indians used to have rituals like that Luciferious> which they used to drink a kind of tea Luciferious> and they could reach that state nagash09> yep the indian sweat lodge was a kind of ritual they did Luciferious *** Kreep ( has joined #colucifer *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kreep Luciferious> but they could die if they didnt react well to that drink heath2k> i think the safest way to enter gnosis is through deep meditation *** Kreep is now known as ^Jesse^ Luciferious> i saw it on discovery once nagash09> no heath meditation is not a way to reach gnosis Luciferious> nah, the best way is having sex Luciferious> hehe nagash09> actually Luciferious Sex is the best way nagash09> sex and sleep depervation Rev_Esos> lol Rev_Esos> kick ass, I'm loving it! Luciferious> sex is everything nagash09> Sex is a powerful tool in magickal workings heath2k> sleep depriviation is dangerous Rev_Esos> the ying yang nagash09> how so heath?

nagash09> it is not dangerous at all….. Rev_Esos> 0=2 nagash09> if one is healthy Luciferious> it just feels awful nagash09> yep Esos nailed it, like yin and yang Luciferious> when u are tired and cant sleep Luciferious> sex is a lot better Luciferious> heh heath2k> i drive truck all day i dont want to go three days without sleep and drive nagash09> true Luciferious, sex is the most choosen method Rev_Esos> lol nagash09> true heath, however you would choose to do it on a day you have off bro Rev_Esos> have sex then heath2k> i will have sex Rev_Esos> lol heath2k> good point nagash Rev_Esos> i will too Luciferious> buy a plastic doll Rev_Esos> 🙂 heath2k> why not just ask my gf it works better any way nagash09> Zack has reached Gnosis through sleep depervation Z^a^c^k> absolutely Rev_Esos> yeah cause then you combine the ying and yang Rev_Esos> and oppisites put to gether equall nothing Rev_Esos> gnosis=nothing/no thought nagash09> Sex however is only a good method when with someone you can trust Rev_Esos> I've made a connection nagash09> yes Esos now you got it! *** Rev_Telarian has quit IRC (Quit: «ËZ-mÎR¢ ßý Mù§h ± FLrӧʻ Vèr§ìòñ 2»..Get Yours at Un_Away> Fuck fuck fuck! I missed it, eh? Rev_Esos> well lets say this then nagash09> yep unblessed nagash09> sure Esos shoot *** Un_Away is now known as UnBlessed nagash09> scroll up unblessed Rev_Esos> I though about sex UnBlessed> heh… okie… Rev_Esos> untill I had it well into my imagination Rev_Esos> then I just enjoyed the ride Rev_Esos> untill gnosis was reached, could that be it? Rev_Esos> I really believe I did it today nagash09> the sex is not the act of gnosis, you can think of the sex during the act but during gnosis you lose all control and thought nagash09> you completely black out in mind nagash09> some may even begin watching themself from above nagash09> by leaving the body without control UnBlessed> Q: Would death, then, be considered a form of gnosis? heath2k> i belive that you can conciously close your concious mind and reach gnosis without sex

nagash09> yes Unblessed, near death is a for of gnosis heath2k> or near death nagash09> you can heath, through depervation of almost any kind nagash09> people who think they see angels are simply people who wished to see them before gnosis set in nagash09> once gnosis set in they saw they without being able to control their mind nagash09> everyone understand? Luciferious> yup Z^a^c^k> yes heath2k> uh huh Rev_Esos> yeah nagash09> Luciferious you have reached gnosis without having an idea of how to do it, that is good! nagash09> ok than nagash09> Ok, well that concludes this class for tonight, what I expect for homework from each of you is a nagash09> short essay explaining your experiences with Gnosis and or energy manipulation in all forms. nagash09> This is due on Saturday this week and should be sent to . Thank you all nagash09> again for not screwing around during class and making these classes possible!!! Luciferious> i never knew i had reached it Luciferious> i thought i had a almost death experience or something ^Jesse^> these classes kick ass nagash Luciferious> i didnt know it could be named Luciferious> 🙂 UnBlessed> Sorry I missed it… things were out of my control tonight that I couldn't avoid. nagash09> yep nagash09> Thanks Jesse nagash09> NP Unblessed Z^a^c^k> excellent class nagash nagash09> thanks zack….. Luciferious> Un- logs 🙂 nagash09> yep….logs UnBlessed> Yup…=) UnBlessed> I'm reading it now. nagash09> kewl unblessed Rev_Esos> so nagash09> did everyone get their homework? Z^a^c^k> yup ^Jesse^> yup! *** UnBlessed is now known as Un-Reading Rev_Esos> in simplier terms, for me, ying + yang=gnosis when activated upon by some sort of starvation? Rev_Esos> I didn't… was it e-mailed? heath2k> yes this was deffinately a good class nagash09> All whom did not see this whole class it will be posted in the members 2 section of the COL site

nagash09> Thanks Heath nagash09> No Esos I posted it in here heath2k> good i want to read the part i missed Rev_Esos> when? nagash09> i'll repost it nagash09> Ok, well that concludes this class for tonight, what I expect for homework from each of you is a nagash09> short essay explaining your experiences with Gnosis and or energy manipulation in all forms. nagash09> This is due on Saturday this week and should be sent to . Thank you all nagash09> again for not screwing around during class and making these classes possible!!! nagash09> everyone got it all now? ^Jesse^> yes brother! ^Jesse^> thanks ! Luciferious> yup nagash09> NP Jesse nagash09> Kewl well im getting ready to let Satrinah take over the puter for a while Z^a^c^k> IAH NAGASH! nagash09> IAH ZAck…. nagash09> And once again thanks everyone! ^Jesse^> thank you nagash nagash09> NP brother Jesse Rev_Esos> any post class stuff? nagash09> nope



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