Mansions of the Moon

Mansions of the Moon: The mansions of the moon represent the twenty-eight days it takes the moon to complete its lunar cycle. Each day of the cycle represents a different mansion. Early astrologers used the mansions to follow the course of the seasons. It is possible that this division of the Heavens is older than the better-known signs of the zodiac.

Different versions of the mansions of the moon can be found in Arabic, Babylonian, Chinese, Egyptian, Indian, and Persian astrology. Arabic astrologers were greatly influenced by the twenty-eight mansions—the symbolic importance of the crescent moon in Islam and the twenty-eight letters of the Arabic alphabet, which perfectly matched the twenty-eight-day lunar cycle, made a powerful magical combination. Arabic magicians adopted the mansions of the moon and assigned a variety of associations to each one. This enabled them to construct powerful talismans that were consecrated when the specific mansion was rising in the eastern horizon. Not surprisingly, medieval magicians also created a number of associations for the different mansions of the moons.

Magicians today still use the mansions of the moon to ensure their magic is performed at the most propitious time. Here are the twenty-eight mansions, with the angels and virtues described by Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1531):

First Mansion
Name: Alnath (Horns of Aries)
Angel: Geniel
Zodiac sign: Aries
Virtues: “It causeth discords, and journeys.”

Second Mansion
Name: Allothaim or Albochan (Belly of Aries)
Angel: Enediel
Zodiac sign: Aries
Virtues: “Conduceth to the finding of treasures, and to the retaining of captives.”

Third Mansion
Name: Achaomazon or Athoray (Showering or Pleiades)
Angel: Anixiel
Zodiac sign: Aries
Virtues: “Profitable to sailors, huntsmen, and alchemists.”

Fourth Mansion
Name: Aldebaram or Aldelamen (Eye or Head of Taurus)
Angel: Azariel
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Virtues: “Causeth the destruction and hinderances of buildings, fountains, wells, of gold mines, the flight of creeping things, and begetteth discord.”

Fifth Mansion
Name: Alchatay or Albachay
Angel: Gabriel
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Virtues: “Helpeth to the return from a journey, to the instruction of scholars, it confirmeth edifices, it giveth health and good will.”

Sixth Mansion
Name: Alhanna or Alchaya (Little Star of Great Light)
Angel: Dirachiel
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Virtues: “Conduceth to hunting, and besieging of towns, and revenge of princes, it destroyeth harvests and fruits and hindereth the operation of the physician.”

Seventh Mansion
Name: Aldimiach or Alarzach (Arm of Gemini)
Angel: Scheliel
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Virtues: “It conferreth gain and friendship, it’s profitable to lovers, it feareth flies, destroyeth magisteries.”

Eighth Mansion
Name: Alnaza or Anatrachya (Misty or Cloudy)
Angel: Amnediel
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Virtues: “It causeth love, friendship, and society of fellow travelers, it driveth away mice and afflicteth captives, confirming their imprisonment.”

Ninth Mansion
Name: Archaam or Arcapth (Eye of the Lion)
Angel: Barbiel
Zodiac sign: Cancer-Leo
Virtues: “It hindereth harvests and travelers, and putteth discord between men.”

Tenth Mansion
Name: Algelioche or Albgebh (Neck or Forehead of Leo)
Angel: Ardifiel
Zodiac sign: Leo
Virtues: “It strengtheneth buildings, yieldeth love, benevolence and help against enemies.”

Eleventh Mansion
Name: Azobra or Arduf (Hair of the Lion’s Head)
Angel: Neciel
Zodiac sign: Leo
Virtues: “It is good for voyages, and gain by merchandise, and for redemption of captives.”

Twelfth Mansion
Name: Alzarpha or Azarpha (Tail of Leo)
Angel: Abdizuel
Zodiac sign: Leo
Virtues: “It giveth prosperity to harvests, and plantations, but hindereth seamen, but it is good for the bettering of servants, captives and companions.”

Thirteenth Mansion
Name: Alhaire (Dog Stars or the Wings of Virgo)
Angel: Jazeriel
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Virtues: “It is prevalent for benevolence, gain, voyages, harvests, and freedom of captives.”

Fourteenth Mansion
Name: Achureth or Arimet, or possibly, Azimeth or Alhumech or Alcheymech (Spike of Virgo or Flying Spike)
Angel: Ergediel
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Virtues: “It causeth the love of married folk, it cureth the sick, it’s profitable to sailors, but it hindereth journeys by land.”

Fifteenth Mansion
Name: Agrapha or Algarpha (Covered or Covered Flying)
Angel: Ataliel
Zodiac sign: Libra
Virtues: “It’s profitable for the extracting of treasures, for digging of pits, it helpeth forward divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies, and hindereth travelers.”

Sixteenth Mansion
Name: Azubene or Ahubene (Horns of Scorpio)
Angel: Azeruel
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Virtues: “It hindereth journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise, it prevaileth for redemption of captives.”

Seventeenth Mansion
Name: Alchil (Crown of Scorpio)
Angel: Adriel
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Virtues: “It bettereth a bad fortune, maketh love durable, strengtheneth buildings, and helpeth seamen.”

Eighteenth Mansion
Name: Alchas or Altob (Heart of Scorpio)
Angel: Egibiel
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Virtues: “It causeth discord, sedition, conspiracy against princes and mighty ones, and revenge from enemies, but it freeth capti ves and helpeth edifices.”

Nineteenth Mansion
Name: Allatha or Achala, or possibly Hycula or Axala (Tail of Scorpio)
Angel: Amutiel
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Virtues: “It helpeth in the besieging of cities and taking of towns, and in the driving of men from their places, and for the destruction of seamen, and perdition of captives.”

Twentieth Mansion
Name: Abnahaya (a Beam)
Angel: Kyriel
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Virtues: “It helpeth for the taming of wild beasts, for the strengthening of prisons, it destroyeth the wealth of societies, it compelleth a man to come to a certain place.”

Twenty-first Mansion
Name: Abeda or Albedach (a Defeat)
Angel: Bethnael
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Virtues: “It is good for harvests, gain, buildings and travelers, and causeth divorce.”

Twenty-second Mansion
Name: Sadahacha, Zodeboluch, or Zandeldena (a Pastor)
Angel: Geliel
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Virtues: “It promoteth the flight of servants and captives, that they may escape, and helpeth in the curing of diseases.”

Twenty-third Mansion
Name: Zabadola or Zobrach (Swallowing)
Angel: Requiel
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Virtues: “It maketh for divorce, liberty of captives and the health of the sick.”

Twenty-fourth Mansion
Name: Sadabath or Chadezoad (Star of Fortune)
Angel: Abrinael
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Virtues: “It is prevalent for the benevolence of married folk, for the victory of soldiers, it hurteth the execution of government, and hindereth that it may not be exercised.”

Twenty-fifth Mansion
Name: Sadalabra or Sadalachia (a Butterfly or a Spreading Forth)
Angel: Aziel
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Virtues: “It helpeth besieging and revenge, it destroyeth enemies, maketh divorce, confirmeth prisons and buildings, hasteneth messengers, it conduceth to spells against copulation, and so bindeth every member of man, that it cannot perform his duty.”

Twenty-sixth Mansion
Name: Alpharg or Phragol Mocaden (the First Drawing)
Angel: Tagriel
Zodiac sign: Aquarius-Pisces
Virtues: “It maketh for the union and love of men, for the health of captives, it destroyeth prisons and buildings.”

Twenty-seventh Mansion
Name: Alcharya or Alhalgalmoad (the Second Drawing)
Angel: Atheniel
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Vi rtues : “It increaseth harvests, revenues, gain, it healeth infirmities, but hindereth buildings, prolongeth prisons, causet h danger to seamen, and helpeth to infer mischiefs on whom you shall please.”

Twenty-eighth Mansion
Name: Albotham or Alchalcy (Pisces)
Angel: Amnixiel
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Virtues: “It increaseth harvests and merchandise, it secureth travellers through dangerous places, it maketh for the joy of married couples, but it strengtheneth prisons, and causeth loss of treasures.”


Encyclopedia of Angels written by Richard Webster – Copyright 2009 by Richard Webster

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