Martin Ebon
Martin Ebon (1917–2006) Prolific author known for his works on paranormal, occult, and psychical research. Martin Ebon wrote more than 60 books and hundreds of articles; he also compiled and edited numerous books and contributed to others.
Ebon was born on May 27, 1917, in Hamburg, Germany. In 1938, he moved to the United States, where he established his career as a journalist, author, and editor. He gained a reputation for excellence in his coverage of a wide range of topics, including politics and foreign affairs, especially Communism. In 1949, he married Chariklia (“Koutsie”) S. Baltazzi; the couple had one son, Andrew.
From 1954–1965, Ebon served as administrative secretary to the Parapsychology Foundation, working closely with founder and medium Eileen J. Garrett. His work with numerous leading parapsychologists and psychical researchers stimulated his own interests in the paranormal and led to an outpouring of books and articles on paranormal subjects. His most prolific years were the 1960s through 1980s. He died on February 11, 2006, in Las Vegas. Ebon’s paranormal works remain important resources for paranormal investigators.
Among them are:
Witchcraft Today (1971);
They Knew the Unknown (1971);
The Devil’s Bride: Exorcism Past and Present (1974);
The Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult (1976);
The Evidence for Life After Death (1977);
Miracles (1981); and
Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion (1983).
Ebon was compiler or editor of:
True Experiences in Prophecy (1967);
True Experiences in Telepathy (1967);
Beyond Space and
an ESP Casebook (1967);
Communicating with the Dead (1968);
True Experiences with Ghosts (1968);
True Experiences in Exotic ESP (1968);
The Psychic Reader (1969);
Test Your ESP (1970);
Psychic Discoveries by the Russians (1971);
The Riddle of the Bermuda Triangle (1975);
Demon Children (1975);
The Signet Handbook of Parapsychology (1978);
The World’s Weirdest Cults (1979);
The World’s Great Unsolved Mysteries (1981).
- “Martin Ebon.” Available online. URL: https://www.newpara. com/MartinEbonbiography.htm. Downloaded February 25, 2006.
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits– Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – September 1, 2007