The Nebaunaubae, a merman who lives at the bottom of lakes, rivers, and sea, is held responsible for the disappearance of young women. He lures human females toward him, not to kill or consume them but to transform them into mermaid companions. (This female counterpart is called the Nebaunaubaequae.) This is one way of increasing the mer community; however they can reproduce in the standard way too.
If the Nebaunaubae wishes to visit land, he can transform into full human shape. He is able to shift between these forms easily, however if the Nebaunaubae stays on land too long, he will die. He can linger in threshold areas like beaches for longer periods, but he must periodically return to the water. The Nebaunaubae is most likely witnessed after dark or during stormy, overcast days. His eyes are accustomed to dim underwater light, and so the bright lights of the upper world are too harsh and painful for him. A Nebaunaubae wandering around on a sunny day in full human form will likely be wearing dark glasses.
- Manitou
- Mermaid
- Nixies
Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses– Written by :Judika Illes Copyright © 2009 by Judika Illes.