Parapsychology Foundation

The Parapsychology Foundation is an Organization founded in New York City in 1951 by medium Eileen J. Garrett. When Garrett died in 1970, responsibility passed to her daughter, Eileen Coly; the foundation is now run by her granddaughter, Lisette Coly.

A nonprofit, educational organization, the Parapsychology Foundation (PF) supports “Scientific and academic research about the psychical aspects of human nature.” The PF gives monetary grants to students and researchers and sponsors annual international conferences. In addition to conference proceedings, it publishes the International Journal of Parapsychology, a series of scholarly monographs and assorted educational pamphlets. A paper and film archives serves as a repository for parapsychology documents, photographs and videos. The PF also maintains the Eileen J. Garrett Library in Greenport, Long Island, New York. The library is open to the public.



  • Parapsychology Foundation. Available online. URL: https:// www.


The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits– Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – September 1, 2007