
Shape: Can be anything that you can hang, on a string or chain. They can be any size, even as small as a paper-clip on a thread. The chain or string is usually about 3 to 4 inches long.

Materials: Anything you can find. Go by your feelings. For dowsing in medical diagnosis many prefer small pendulums on strings.

How to Use: In one approach the user first determines which direction (left-right, up-down) will indicate “yes” and which “no” before proceeding to ask the pendulum specific questions, or else another person may pose questions to the person holding the pendulum. The usual response request is for: swinging straight forward for “yes” sideways for “no” and at a angle for ready for question.

The pendulum may also be used over a pad or cloth with “yes” and “no” written on it and perhaps other words written in a circle. The person holding the pendulum aims to hold it as steadily as possible over the center and its movements are held to indicate answers to the questions.

Advantages : Easy to make. Easy to use. Very Popular. Small enough to go in your pocket or purse. Quick response. Excellent tool for dowsing charts or maps.

Disadvantage: Some problem in the wind or when walking. This problem can be overcome by requesting (prearranging, programing) the pendulum to spin in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction to indicate the “yes” or “no” response.
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