Ronove (Roneve, Ronobe) is a Fallen Angel and 27th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Ronobe is an earl and marquis who appears as a monster. He teaches rhetoric and art, as well as knowledge and understanding of languages. He gives the favour of friends and enemies. He has 19 Legions of Demons.
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
The Twenty-seventh Spirit is Ronove. He appeareth in the Form of a Monster. He teacheth the Art of Rhetoric very well and giveth Good Servants, Knowledge of Tongues, and Favours with Friends or Foes. He is a Marquis and Great Earl; and there be under his command 19 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc.
From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)
Ronove [Roneve] a marquesse and an earle, he is resembled to a monster, he bringeth singular understanding in rhetorike, faithfull servants, knowledge of toongs, favour of freends and foes; and nineteene legions obeie him.
Original Text :
Roneve Marchio & Comes, assimilatur monstro. Singularem in Rhetoricis intelligcntiam confert, famulos item fidos, linguarum cognitionem, amicorum & inimicorum favourem. Huic obediunt legiones novendecim.
From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edition of 1863 ) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
As marquis and count of hell, Ronwe controls 19 legions. He appears in the form of a monster and teaches languages
Original Text :
Ronwe, marquis et comte de l’enfer, qui apparaît sous la forme d’un monstre ; il donne à ses adeptes la connaissance des langues et la bienveillance de tout le monde. Dix-neuf cohortes infernales sont sous ses ordres.