The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt: The Spiritual Practice Restored – Rosemary Clark

The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt: The Spiritual Practice Restored - Rosemary ClarkThe study of Egypt’s religion and philosophy may satisfy our intellectual curiosity, but its profound wisdom is best apprehended through practical experience. Scholars now term the temple rites of magic as “ritual power,” a more accurate view that represents the ancient unity of religion and metaphysical workings. Its aim––to restore the harmony of primeval creation and our place in it.

This new edition of The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt presents a comprehensive guide to a modern practice of ancient Egyptian theurgy. Included are daily rituals, annual ceremonies, and the founding of a temple practice for either the sole practitioner or a gathering of celebrants. Author Rosemary Clark outlines in detail how the dimensions of Sacred Science—esoteric architecture, cosmic resonance, and ritual power—underpin a timeless tradition that has survived through the ages and has deep relevance today.


The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt: The Spiritual Practice Restored - Rosemary Clark