Spiritualist Camps
Spiritualist camps are resort-type settings that offer spiritualist church services, lectures, Home Circles, classes in Mediumship, and related activities.
Spiritualist camps date from the late 19th century, when Spiritualism was the rage. There are 12 camps in the United States in 10 different states, Maine and Michigan having two each. All are affiliated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches of the United States of America and follow its interpretation of spiritualism. Most are seasonal, although some have year-round residents and activities.
By far the most famous spiritualist camp is Lily Dale Assembly, in upstate New York, near the town of Cassadaga, not far from Chautauqua. Lily Dale was founded in 1880 as the Cassadaga Free Lake Association; its current name was adopted in 1906. Lily Dale covers some 80 acres and has a hotel along with hundreds of cottages, several meeting places, a library, bookstore, and even its own post office.
A major spiritualist camp is located in Cassadaga, Florida, the headquarters of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.
- National Spiritualist Association of Churches of the United States of America. Available online. URL: https:// www. nsac.org.
- Lily Dale. Available online. URL: https://www. geopages.com/ SiliconValley/1591/lilydale. Whiting, Lilian. “The Spiritualist Camp-Meetings in the United States.” Annals of Psychic Science 5 (1907): 12–37.
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits– Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – September 1, 2007