
Tonacatecutli (Tonacateotle) (lord of our existence) is in Aztec mythology, consort of Tonacacihuatl, with whom he lived in the ninth, or highest, heaven. They had four sons, who were guardians of the four cardinal points. Tonacatecutli was also known as Tzinteotl (god of the beginning), Tonaca Cihuatl (queen of our existence), Xochiquetzal (beautiful rose), Citlallicue (the star-skirted, or the Milky Way), Citlaltonac (the star that warms, or the morning), Chicomecoatl (the seven serpents), and Chicomexochit (seven flames).



Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow– Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante