Ant and the Grasshopper, The
Aesopic fable, derived from the medieval prose version by Phaedrus. One frosty autumn day an ant was busily storing away ...
Avaricious and Envious, The
Avaricious and Envious, The Aesopic fable found in various collections throughout the world. Two neighbors came before Zeus and asked ...
Hawk and the Nightingale, The
Hawk and the Nightingale, The Aesopic fable found in Hesiod’s Work and Days, written in the eighth century b.c.e. and ...
Jay and the Peacock, The
The Jay and the Peacock is an aesopic fable found in various collections throughout the world. One day a jay ...
Juno and the Peacock
Juno and the Peacock Aesopic fable found in various European collections. A peacock once placed a petition before the goddess ...
Lion and the Mouse, The
The Lion and the Mouse is an Aesopic fable found in various collections throughout the world. A lion was asleep ...
Lion in Love, The
The Lion in Love is an aesopic fable found in various European collections. A lion fell in love with the ...
Lion’s Share, The
The Lion’s Share is an Aesopic fable found in various collections throughout the world. The lion preferred to hunt alone, ...
Milkmaid and Her Pail, The
Aesopic fable, probably derived from the Indian collection The Panchatantra. A milkmaid was on her way to market, carrying a ...
Serpent and the File, The
The Serpent and the File is an Aesopic fable found in various collections throughout the world. In the course of ...