
Tzitzimime are the brothers of TEZCATLIPOCA who were cast out of heaven for their acts of sacrilege and desecration against the gods. Tzitzimime means “dangerous beings.” Prior to their fall, the brothers had the names of stars and constellations.

The Tzitzimime assume the shapes of scorpions, hideous insects, frogs, and toads. At certain times of the year, they have the power to enter households in the form of beams of light. In earlier times, people filled the cracks in their homes on those nights in order to keep the Demons out. One of the brothers, Tacatecutli, was idolized as a walking stick in strange rites. Followers drew Blood from their noses and ears and smeared it on walking sticks placed on the altar.

It was believed that this would placate the Demon and prevent him from troubling people. Another brother took the form of a donkey skull and terrorized people traveling on roads at night. If people happened to see the skull, it followed his or her relentlessly to their destination.

TzitzimimeThe Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – Copyright © 2009 by Visionary Living, Inc.

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