Furfur - Demon and Spirit of Solomon

The Spirit of Furfur: A Demon of Secrets, Storms, and Truth

In the annals of demonology, few spirits capture the imagination quite like Furfur, a figure steeped in mystery, power, and paradox. Furfur is one of the 72 spirits listed in the Ars Goetia, part of the Lemegeton, or the Lesser Key of Solomon, a renowned grimoire that catalogues spirits said to be summoned by King Solomon himself. Known as the 34th Spirit of Solomon, Furfur is particularly notable for his dominion over storms and his uncanny ability to reveal hidden truths. He occupies a unique space within the infernal hierarchies, both feared and revered for his powers.

The Appearance of Furfur

When summoned, Furfur initially manifests as a great hart or stag with impressive antlers—a majestic yet wild and untamed form. However, Furfur is not merely a beast; when compelled to take a human form, often through the use of strict summoning rituals, he transforms into a more comprehensible figure capable of clear and truthful communication. This duality of form underscores Furfur’s nature as a spirit of both chaos and clarity.

His connection to storms and thunderbolts further reinforces his untamed essence. As a storm demon, Furfur symbolizes the unpredictable and destructive power of nature, but also the cleansing and revelatory aspects of such forces.

The Powers of Furfur

Furfur is renowned for his versatile abilities, which include:

1. Storm Creation
Furfur wields the power to summon tempests, lightning, and thunder. He is a spirit of natural upheaval, called upon in rituals to bring forth dramatic weather changes. In folklore, this capability represents both literal weather control and metaphorical disruption, shaking the status quo and forcing transformation.

2. Revealing Hidden Truths
Despite his chaotic association with storms, Furfur is paradoxically known for his ability to reveal secrets and unearth truths. However, he is also infamous for being deceitful unless compelled to speak truthfully within a magical triangle or binding circle. This duality suggests that while truth can be found, it often requires discipline, clarity of intent, and the ability to sift through chaos.

3. Mending Relationships
Furfur is said to have the power to repair broken relationships, particularly romantic ones. By igniting love between individuals, he serves as a mediator of harmony amid turbulence.

4. Master of Sound
Furfur can produce an array of sounds, including thunderous roars or celestial music. This highlights his role as a spirit capable of both terrifying disruption and divine-like inspiration.

Furfur’s Place in the Infernal Hierarchy

As the 34th Spirit of Solomon, Furfur is ranked as a Count or Earl in the infernal hierarchies, commanding 26 legions of spirits. His noble status signifies his importance and influence within demonology, suggesting that he is a powerful intermediary between mortals and the spiritual realm. The Ars Goetia describes him as a spirit who must be approached with caution due to his cunning nature, but who is immensely valuable to those skilled in summoning.

Symbolism and Lessons

Furfur embodies profound symbolic lessons:

The Duality of Chaos and Truth: Furfur’s ability to create storms and reveal truths highlights a central paradox: chaos can lead to clarity. Storms are disruptive, yet they cleanse and make way for new growth. Similarly, confronting uncomfortable truths often leads to personal transformation.

The Necessity of Discipline: Furfur’s deceitful nature emphasizes the importance of discipline and preparation in working with spiritual entities. His truthfulness is contingent upon the summoner’s ability to control and direct him, symbolizing the need for focus when navigating complex challenges.

The Role of Love in Conflict: Furfur’s role as a mediator of love in broken relationships reflects the idea that even in the midst of chaos, reconciliation and harmony are possible.

The Rituals and Warnings

Summoning Furfur, like any spirit, is not to be taken lightly. Rituals typically involve intricate preparations, including the drawing of protective sigils, the pronunciation of sacred names, and the use of a summoning triangle. These tools are designed to ensure the spirit’s cooperation and the summoner’s safety.

Furfur’s reputation as a deceiver highlights the potential dangers of working with him. Without the proper protective measures and respect, a summoner may fall victim to lies, manipulation, or unintended consequences. Those who seek Furfur’s aid must do so with clear intentions, ethical boundaries, and a willingness to accept the challenges his presence may bring.

Furfur in Modern Culture

While Furfur may not be as widely recognized as figures like Lucifer or Beelzebub, his influence persists in occult traditions, literature, and modern media. His dual nature as both chaotic and truthful has inspired writers, artists, and spiritual practitioners to explore his archetypal significance.

In fiction, Furfur often appears as a character who embodies the complexities of morality, truth, and power. His portrayal varies from a fearsome storm god to a nuanced spirit capable of profound insight. These depictions reflect humanity’s ongoing fascination with the paradoxical nature of chaos and order.

Furfur’s Enduring Legacy

Furfur is not merely a demon of storms and deceit; he is a profound symbol of the interplay between chaos and clarity, destruction and creation. His presence in the Ars Goetia reminds us of the power of nature, the importance of discipline, and the transformative potential of confronting the unknown.

As the 34th Spirit of Solomon, Furfur’s legacy challenges us to navigate the storms of life with courage, seeking truth amid the turbulence. For those willing to engage with his energy responsibly, Furfur offers lessons in resilience, growth, and the complex beauty of the human experience.

Furfur - Demon and Spirit of Solomon

From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers

FURFUR. – The Thirty-fourth Spirit is Furfur. He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. He never speaketh truth unless he be compelled, or brought up within a triangle, Ò. Being therein, he will take upon himself the Form of an Angel. Being bidden, he speaketh with a hoarse voice. Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc.

The Seal of Furfur
The Seal of Furfur

Furfur - Demon and Spirit of Solomon

From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)

Furfur is a great earle, appearing as an hart, with a firie taile, he lieth in everie thing, except he be brought up within a triangle; being bidden, he taketh angelicall forme, he speaketh with a hoarse voice, and willinglie maketh love betweene man and wife; he raiseth thunders and lightnings, and blasts. Where he is commanded, he answereth well, both of secret and also of divine things, and hath rule and dominion over six and twentie legions.

Original Text : Furfur Comes est magnus, apparens ut cervus cauda flammea. In omnibus mentitur, nisi in triangulum intro ducatur. Jussus angelicam assumit imaginem. Rauca loquitur voce: amorem inter virum and mulierem libenter conciliat: novit and concitare fulgura, coruscationes and tonitrua in iis partibus ubi jussum fuerit. De occultis and divinis rebus bene respondet. Imperat legionibus vigintisex.

Furfur - Demon and Spirit of Solomon

From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edition of 1863 ) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy

Furfur is a count of hell who rules 26 legions. He appears as an angel or a stag with a flaming tail and speaks only lies unless enclosed in a triangle. He speaks in a raucous voice. Furfur sustains marriage, can cause thunderstorms, and speaks on abstract things.

Original Text : Furfur, comte aux enfers. Il se fait voir sous la forme d’un cerf’ avec une queue enflammée ; il ne dit que des mensonges, à moins qu’il ne soit enfermé dans un triangle. Il prend souvent la figure d’un ange, parle d’une voix rauque et entretient l’union entre les maris et les femmes. Il fait tomber’la foudre, luire les éclairs et gronder le tonnerre dans les lieux où il en reçoit l’ordre. Il répond sur les choses abstraites. Vingt-six légions sont sous ses ordres

Furfur as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition.
Furfur as depicted in Collin de Plancy‘s Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition.

Furfur - Demon and Spirit of Solomon

From Demonologia

“Furfur is a great earle, appearing as an hart, with a firie taile, he lieth in everiething, except he be brought up within a triangle; being bidden, he taketh angelicall forme, he speaketh with a hoarse voice, and willinglie maketh love betweene man and wife; he raiseth thunders and lightenings, and blasts. Where he is commanded, he answereth well, both of secret and also of divine things, and hath rule and dominion over six and twentie legions.”
(Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, page 221)

Collin de Plancy has shown Furfur as a monster with the hindquarters and head of a hart, but the breast and arms of a man, and bat-like wings that carry him through the air. The wings must be intended to suggest his angelic form. It is not clear in the illustration that his tail is on fire, but this should be the case.

Mathers broadened this Demon’s lovemaking abilities to read “he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman”(Mathers, The Goetia ). The intention of the original text was to indicate that this Demon enables and encourages lawful loving relations within the bounds of marriage. There is no indication that he is to be used to promote sexual pleasure outside of marriage – the use of the term “wife” is quite specific.

A “blast” is a sudden gale of wind. The talents of this Demon are varied: promoting good marital relations, raising storms, and giving useful answers about hidden and spiritual matters.


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