The Palacio de Lecumberri
The Palacio de Lecumberri (Mexico)
Located in Mexico City, it is a large building known as The Black Palace of Lecumberri which served as a prison from 1900 to 1976. Lots of tortures and murders took place in this building, and it is said that you can still hear the cries and screams of the lost souls walking through the halls, trying to find out the correct way to rest in peace.
There is a particular story about ´Don Jacinto´, a prisoner’s ghost who has been waiting to see the love of his life again, after she and a good friend of Don Jacinto, had relations behind his back. They then went on to kill a woman whom Don Jacinto used to work for and framed him.
Since 1982, The Archivo General de la Nacion (General Archive of the Nation) is using the building, and there is a museum open to the public.