The Agasha Temple of Wisdom

The Agasha Temple of Wisdom



The Agasha Temple of Wisdom is an organization that teaches the philosophy of an age-old study of truth called the Universal Understanding of the God Consciousness. It was officially founded in 1943 in Los Angeles, California. However, the Agasha Temple of Wisdom dates back its origin to seven thousand years ago in a land called Austa (Egypt today) where individuals from 37 different sects or tribes all came together to study and practice this philosophy of the Universal God Consciousness.

These individuals understood the laws of the universe and were aware that the world was about to transition from an enlightened period to a darkened age. The accomplishments and wisdom that the human consciousness had reached on the physical plane would be lost for several thousand years. The leaders of these 37 sects, some of them great masters on the physical plane, held what is known as the Grand Convention. Here they discussed the preservation of the knowledge they had obtained and a method to protect this wisdom for future generations. They conceived the idea of an organization that would bring this Universal God Consciousness back to the physical plane and awaken those who were seeking the truth. They knew it would be about 7,000 years before the physical plane would again reach a state of enlightenment when this information could be disseminated.

These leaders were faced with the difficulty of knowing that their language would be lost and their alphabet of symbols, referred to today as hieroglyphics, would not be discernable. As a result, they would need to devise a more direct method of communication. Different masters volunteered to be stationed at different times in upcoming history to bring forth wisdom and foretell of prophecies. Master Agasha was the first leader to step forward and suggest that he be the one to lay a foundation from which all other teachers would build. And, it is in his honor that the Agasha Temple of Wisdom was named.

There were debates at this convention concerning what this foundation would include. Should he introduce Reincarnation or expand beyond this concept? At that moment, another leader, Master Ayuibbi spoke up and said, “I think that it’s best that when you’re laying the foundation, to sow every seed together.” Basically, Master Agasha was to cover every subject that he could possibly think of so that the others who followed could elaborate on each of the subjects.

The concern of the leaders was whether humanity would be ready for this knowledge when Master Agasha was ready to teach. It was decided that those individuals who were part of the 37 sects that were still incarnating seven thousand years later would be sent the call. There were a total of 273 people that Master Agasha had to reach during the duration of his time teaching on the physical plane. It was up to each individual as to whether they would stay or not. Certain rules had been established in regards to how much intervention would be allowed by the teachers. It was mandated that the human consciousness be able to grow and progress at its own rate and stage without the masters intervening beyond the limitations of the human expression at any given time.

Since Master Ayuibbi had a strong feeling about the foundation, it was suggested that that he must have a plan as to how the information would be clarified and disseminated. Master Ayuibbi was the second teacher chosen to come back and teach. He was to reach those who were still incarnating on the physical plane who had been part of the Peace Period that had followed the Grand Convention.

Next, they had to decide just how these leaders would reach those on the physical plane. In seven thousand years to come, these masters knew they would not be incarnating and an instrument of communication would be needed. At the time, they were familiar with trance mediums, clairvoyants, and psychics, but none of these methods of communication was clear enough for them. They didn’t want to chance the mortal mind misconstruing the information. Besides, none of these instruments could last the length of time needed to give a lecture.

Master Agasha and Master Ayuibbi developed a new method of mediumship or instrumentality called the inter-transitory medium. This is an elevated trance medium who can go into a dead trance for several hours at a time. This, achieved through a chemicalization process, changes the metabolic rate within the individual so that he may reach the inter-transitory passive state. In this inter-transitory state, the instrument leaves his physical body and one these masters can take control and speak directly to the students of the physical plane. The individuals who agreed to become these new types of mediums were the personal students of the master teachers who were to bring forth the god consciousness.

The first inter-transitory medium was Richard Zenor, student of his soul teacher, Master Agasha. Reverend Zenor provided his services for these teachings for almost 40 years until his passing in 1978. The second inter-transitory medium was Geary Salvat, student of his soul teacher, Master Ayuibbi. Reverend Salvat functioned as the inter-transitory instrument as well as a teacher during his 21 years of service to the Agasha Temple of Wisdom until his passing in 2002. He had reached mastery within his own right and personally continued to teach the philosophy in addition to his dedication as an instrument to those teachers from the astral state.

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