The Demon Aim ( or Haborym ) is a Fallen Angel and 23rd of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. In hell Aim is a strong duke. He appears as a handsome man with three heads: a Serpent, a man with two stars on his forehead, and a cat.
He rides on a viper and carries a blazing firebrand, with which he spreads much destruction and fire. He imparts cunning and gives true answers to questions about “private matters.” He governs 26 Legions of Demons.
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
AIM. – The Twenty-third Spirit is Aim.
He is a Great Strong Duke. He appeareth in the form of a very handsome Man in body, but with three Heads; the first, like a Serpent, the second like a Man having two Stars on his Forehead, the third like a Calf.
He rideth on a Viper, carrying a Firebrand in his Hand, wherewith he setteth cities, castles, and great Places, on fire. He maketh thee witty in all manner of ways, and giveth true answers unto private matters. He governeth 26 Legions of Inferior Spirits; and his Seal is this, which wear thou as aforesaid, etc.

From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)
Aym or Haborim [Haborym] is a great duke and a strong, he commeth foorth with three heads, the first like a serpent, the second like a man having two * the third like a cat, he rideth on a viper, carrieng in his hand a light fier brand, with the flame whereof castels and cities are fiered, he maketh one wittie everie kind of waie, he answereth truelie of privie matters, and reigneth over twentie six legions.
Original Text :
Aym vel Haborym Dux magnus and fortis: progreditur tribus capitibus, primo serpenti, simili, altero homini duos * habenti, tertio felino. In vipera equitat, ingentem facem ardentem portans, cujus flamma succenditur castrum vel civitas. Omnibus modis ingeniosum reddit hominem: de abstrusis rebus vere respondet. Imperat legionibus vigintisex.
From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edition of 1863 ) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Haborym (aka Aym) is a fire Demon and a duke of hell, who commands 26 legions. He appears holding a torch and riding a viper and he has 3 heads: a serpent, a man, and a cat. Some say he is the same as Raum.
Original Text:
Haborym, démon des incendies, appelé aussi Aym. Il porte aux enfers le titre de duc; il se montre à cheval sur une vipère, avec trois têtes, l’une de serpent, l’autre d’homme, la troisième de chat. Il tient à la main une torche allumée.
Il commande vingt-six légions. Quelques-uns disent que c’est le même que Raum ; ce qui nous paraît au moins douteux.
Note from Occult World
* When you translate “il se montre à cheval sur une vipère, avec trois têtes” it would seem that the viper has three heads…. and not Haborym himself. Looking at the picture you can see that Haborym has three heads. So we are having a bit trouble with the translation. Maybe, if you are an expert you can send us some input? Thanks. Haborym has no depiction in the Dictionnaire Infernal.