Black Helicopters

Several people have reported the appearance of unmarked black helicopters, often piloted by men dressed in black clothing— either business suits or flight suits—at sites associated with mysterious government activities as well as at locations where UFOs have been sighted and/or unexplained cattle mutilations have occurred. Consequently, black helicopters are now associated with several conspiracy theories, most notably that the U.S. government is receiving advanced technology from aliens in exchange for helping them conduct experiments on humans and animals. The U.S. government does admit to using unmarked black helicopters for certain operations, but officials say that these aircraft are involved only in exercises and missions related to ordinary military activities.

In 1995, however, Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth, a Republican from Idaho, accused the government of landing unmarked black helicopters on private property in her state as part of its enforcement of the Endangered Species Act. Chenoweth admitted that she herself had never seen the helicopters and was only responding to complaints from constituents—a fact that sceptics have said supports their theory that reports of black helicopters are based on irrational fears of an all-powerful government among a small number of people.


  • cattle mutilations;
  • government cover-ups and conspiracy theories;
  • Men in Black


The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Paranormal Phenomena – written by Patricia D. Netzley © 2006 Gale, a part of Cengage Learning