Château de Trécesson

The medieval castle of Trécesson in Brittany is steeped in legends telling eerie tales, ghastly murders, and mysterious deaths. One such legend is about the bride who was murdered by her brothers and buried alive in the castle’s brick walls on the morning of her wedding. She is known today as the Bride of Trécesson.

Why it’s so scary:

Aside from the bride bricked up in its walls, there are other legends about this castle that haunts the place to this day, including that of a “ghost room” where phantom card players are said to be found playing cards, as well as a headless ghost roaming the eerie castle.

What to look out for:

The castle is privately owned so there’s no chance of tourists seeing the ghosts within its walls but the castle is known for dames blanches or white ladies (read about them in this article about French supernatural creatures), the phantom card players, a headless curate, and of course, the Bride of Trécesson.