Chu-ko Liang

Chu-ko Liang (third century c.e.) In Chinese legend, a deified mortal, who in life was noted for his wisdom. Chu-ko Liang, who was eight feet tall, was called by the emperor to be his general. At the time human sacrifices were made to the gods, but Chu-ko Liang put an end to the practice by substituting clay figures. When he saw his death approaching, he lit 49 candles, which burned for seven days on a heap of rice. When he was informed of the defeat of an enemy, he accidentally kicked over the candles and fell dead. Before dying, however, he ordered that seven grains of rice should be put in his mouth so that his body might be kept unchanged forever. He also asked that his body be placed on the battlefield with two pigeons sewed into his sleeves. When the enemy saw the sleeves of Chuko Liang’s garment moving, they assumed he had come back to life and fled in terror. In Japanese legend, Chu-ko Liang is called Komei.


Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Third Edition – Written by Anthony S. Mercatante & James R. Dow– Copyright © 2009 by Anthony S. Mercatante