Interview With a Necromancer

I recently had the opportunity to meet, and engage in an in-depth conversation with an individual who is not only very knowledgeable about the necromantic arts, but has practiced them for many years.

The following questions and answers are the results from my interview with this fascinating individual, whose identity I have been asked

to keep confidential.

Q: Why have you chosen to practice necromancy?

A: For the same reason that one practices any form of conjuration or sorcery…for power, to put it plain and simple! Power as a means

to an end, and for whatever magickal goal I may have at the moment. As for others, some individuals become attuned to necromancy after

the death of a loved one, while others are gifted with necromantic abilities at birth. For those of the latter group, necromancy is a part

of who and what they are by nature.

Q: Can necromancy be classified as a religious or spiritual path in addition to being a divinatory art?

A: I define religion as a belief in, and reverence for, a supernatural power considered to be the creator, creatress, or controller of the

universe. Therefore, I do not consider necromancy to be my religionā€¦perhaps a supplement to my religion (which is Paganism). I view necromancy as being more of a school of thought. The ancient Druids studied the wisdom of the dead, as did the Babylonians, the priests of Osiris, and others throughout history. However, if a person is of the belief that necromancy is what controls the universe, then I suppose it could very well be classified as a religious or spiritual path for that particular individual. However, a lot of people would consider that to be nothing more than pure blasphemy! It is important to note that

very few necromancers are necromancers for religious purposes. Most that I know, or have read about, practice it as a divinatory art, discipline, study, or class of magick.

Q: What do you feel are some of the reasons people are drawn to the practice of necromancy?

A: I think many practitioners are lured by the power that the necromantic arts can offer, and many find it to be a wholly rewarding and enlightening thing to do. There are, of course, those who are motivated by other reasons, such as the desire to communicate with a deceased loved one or simply out of curiosity to see if necromancy actually works.

Q: What are some of the myths and misconceptions associated with necromancy?

A: Many people assume necromancy is all about summoning the Devil or conjuring Demons, which it isnā€™t. Not all necromancers are Satanists, devil-worshippers, necrophiliacs, cannibals, or grave robbers. Many of us are decent, law-abiding individuals who raise

families and maintain full-time employment or rewarding careers. Necromancers can be found in just about every community, but are

extremely secretive about their art. For all you know, one might be living across the street or right next door to you.

Q: Can necromancy be dangerous?

A: There are undeniably many dangers associated with necromancy, and anyone who thinks otherwise (especially where high necromancy

is concerned) is little more than a fool, or at least inclined to madness! The biggest danger facing the necromancer is his thinking that

he has complete control over whatever spirit he has raised. As it is with any of the so-called ā€œBlack Arts,ā€ the necromancer is always at

risk of succumbing to the very forces he is seeking to harness. That is why keeping concentration and mind set are of the utmost importance.

It is important to remember that communicating with the dead is an extremely fragile thing. A practitioner of necromancy must always treat the dead with respect and know the right things to say. The threat of being astrally attacked by angry or curious entities is omnipresent. There are also side effects that come with the channeling of too much negative energy. Prolonged exposure to the powers of death can take a heavy toll upon a necromancerā€™s body and mind, causing him to become more like the undead under his control.

This corruption is typically a slow process that goes unnoticed for a long time as the necromancer, consumed by his studies, ignores or fails to recognize the initial effects. But eventually the strains imposed can eat away at oneā€™s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Q: You mentioned ā€œhigh necromancy.ā€ Can you elaborate on this?

A: High necromancy is one of the most sacred and enigmatic of all necromantic rites. It is basically an invocation of Azrael, the Angel of Death, which enables the necromancer to align his soul with ā€œdeath energyā€ (the current of transition). High necromancy permits a magician to share intimate consciousness with Azrael and to learn from that union. In high necromancy, an actual corpse is used as

a catalyst.

Q: What is the difference between so-called ā€œblackā€ necromancy and ā€œwhiteā€ necromancy?

A: I have always considered black necromancy to basically be the summoning of an evil spirit or the raising of a dead body for the purpose of scaring, harming, or bringing death to another person, such as an enemy. It is an extremely dangerous thing to do and can quite easily backfire on the person trying to control the spirit. Black necromancy should only be performed by a master necromancer, if ever at all.

White necromancy, on the other hand, is the summoning of the dead for the purpose of divining the future or the unknown, or for the

purpose of spiritual or magickal enlightenment.

There are some, however, who simply define black necromancy as the raising of a corpse, and white necromancy as the summoning of

a spirit.

Q: Do you consider necromancy to be the best method of divination?

A: I personally donā€™t feel that there exists anyone method of divination superior to all others.

It all comes down to a matter of personal choice. What appeals to, or works well for one person might not necessarily for the next.

Necromancy, like most occult practices, has its good points and its not-so-good points. And depending on the energies of the magician and the individual summoned, it can be either rewarding or unreliable. But one thing is for sure; it will never yield a dull experience!

Necromancy can, without a doubt, be the most dangerous method of divination. But, on the other hand, it can also be the most powerful.

Q: What are the best times and places to perform necromancy?

A: Sunset or between the hours of midnight and 1 a.m. are the ideal times for summoning the spirits of the dead. Nights when the moon is

full are good times as well. Traditionally, the places at which to perform necromancy have been graveyards (where spirits abound) and

crossroads. Places such as these resonate with strong magickal energies. However, necromantic rites can be performed in other locations, such as a haunted dwelling, a sacred temple, or the spot where a death (either by natural or unnatural causes) occurred. Some

necromancers have been known to work their magick in the dark of the desert or cloaked by the tangled trees of a forest.

Q: What are some of the common mistakes made by novice necromancers?

A: Many individuals try to perform necromancy thinking that they are in control of the dead, or that they can bring back the dead by their

will alone or only with components and no spell. In all actuality, they havenā€™t the slightest idea what theyā€™re doing. There are always

consequences that arise when one performs a necromantic rite, but some people fail to realize this. And that, in turn, can be a very

dangerous thing. Attempting to raise the dead without the proper knowledge and training is a serious mistake, as not properly summoning, binding, dismissing, or banishing a spirit can greatly anger it. Know what you are doing before you try your hand at necromancy,

otherwise you may very well put yourself, and those around you, in great danger!

Q: What words of advice can you offer those interested in practicing necromancy?

A: Necromancy should never be thought of as some kind of parlor game. It is serious business and is not intended for causing mischief

or alleviating boredom. Additionally, raising the dead should never be attempted for the purpose of carrying out evil deeds or bringing

harm and misfortune to others, no matter what they might have done to you. This is a dangerous thing to do! (Especially for a neophyte.)

Take care that you are well protected during necromantic rituals in case an evil spirit should materialize and try to do you harm.

Wear a Pentacle of Solomon and always work within a circle, never stepping outside of it until after the spirit you summoned has been

properly dismissed. I cannot stress this enough. There are cases of necromancers who conjured up an evil spirit but didnā€™t know they

had because the spirit was invisible. They foolishly stepped outside of the protective circle and were attacked. It is also a good idea to

have an assistant with you in the circle whenever performing necromancy. Most masters of necromancy always work with an assistant.

Study and train to become an adept magician before attempting necromancy. But keep in mind that knowledge without discipline can

be a dangerous thing. In necromancy, it canget you, or those around you, killed!