Lucifer’s Children

Conventional wisdom has it that the Grail bloodline is sacred because it came from Christ, a man still considered by much of the world to be the true son of God. And yet the dynasty of kings who descended from this bloodline were known as sorcerer-kings, some of whom hinted or even stated outright that they were in fact descendants of Lucifer.

A number of authors claim this thesis is true, but they are predominantly hardcore Christian conspiracy theorists, and stop well short of explaining why they believe this, or of giving any tangible details to substantiate their claims. Says one: “In typical Gnostic fashion, descendants of the Merovingians claim to have the blood of both Christ and Satan in their veins.” Given the fact that this theme (or a variation of it) recurs with some regularity, and given that it would appear to be consistent with the sort of dual vibe which permeates the saga of this bloodline, I began to wonder if there might not be some traditions from which such a notion could have arisen. At length, several were discovered.

Firstly, let’s remember that this bloodline descended from a figure who equates with the Biblical Cain. In certain rabbinic lore, we come across the very interesting notion that Cain was not the son of Adam, but of Samael. It was thought that when Samael appeared to Eve as a serpent, he seduced her. The fruit of that union was Cain. Now Samael was a fallen angel, essentially the Judaic Lucifer. If the Merovingians knew of this version of the story (which they no doubt did), and believed it, it could be the basis of their alleged assertion that they possessed the blood of both Christ and Lucifer.

An alternate version of the Cain saga, equally Luciferian in its connotations, says that he was the son of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She had been the consort of God before coming to Earth as a fallen angel. The full details of her story are probably too well-known to bear repeating here, but it’s interesting that of the two alternate traditions concerning Cain’s parentage, both involve the Luciferian Nephilim bloodline. Also of interest is the fact that the lily is known to have taken its name from “Lilith”, and the heraldic device emblematic of this bloodline is the fleur-de-lys (widely accepted as symbolic of the lily.) Could not this symbol, viewed within this context, in fact be the “Flower of Lilith”?

The Lilith/Samael connection is also pertinent in regard to the Grail saga insofar as the two have a son of their own who seems to play a recurring role in the whole mythos: Asmodeus. Not only is Asmodeus the dominant image (shown mirroring Christ) in Rennes-le-Chateau, he is said to have played the central role in building the Temple of Solomon, the edifice from which the Knights Templar took their name. The recurrence of this strange figure in Grail lore has long perplexed observers, yet it would appear that both he and the descendants of Cain may in fact have shared a kindred ancestry. It is even said in some traditions that it was Asmodeus whom Moses called upon to part the Red Sea, and not God. Though portrayed as a Demon or devil figure, his name reveals that he may not always have been viewed as such, for Asmodeus translates simply to the Lord God (Ashma = Lord, and Deus = God).

Another possible genesis of the idea of a Luciferian bloodline may have come from the Elohim, who in the Bible say: “Let us make man in our image.” Elohim is generally thought to be a plural of God, or to be “the gods.” But it is also widely believed to denote the Nephilim, the fallen angels known as the Watchers in The Book of Enoch. It is believed that the word “Elohim” comes from the much more ancient Babylonian word “Ellu”, which means “Shining Ones.” This phrase has a distinctively Luciferian connotation, because the name “Lucifer” literally means “light bearer.” And the descendants of Cain, who were the deified kings of Sumeria, bore the title of “Ari”, a term which also meant “Shining Ones.” The Sumerian pictogram for “Ari” is an inverted pentagram, a symbol long associated with Lucifer. And the phrase “Shining Ones” would be a very apt description for the descendants of Enoch’s fallen angels, who were said to have hair white as snow, pale eyes, and pale skin which seemed literally to glow and fill the room with light.

The Sumerian Ari are almost always depicted as wearing crowns bearing horns, and some of their descendants were said actually to have had horns. For instance, the most famous statue of Moses (that of Michelangelo) depicts him with horns atop his forehead, not wholly inappropriate for someone who may be a blood relation of Asmodeus. Theologians protest that they are not horns, merely rays of light. But even rays of light suggest a Luciferian subtext. Alexander the Great declared himself the son of God, and he too was said to have horns. In fact, to this very day, if you talk to people on the streets of Iran (who remember his invasion as though it happened last week), they will tell you in all solemnity that it’s a historical fact that Alexander had horns, which he wore his hair long to cover up.

In closing, we note the fact that Cain seems to have engendered his own tradition, as evidenced in a strange Gnostic sect called the Cainites. Like the Carpocrateans, the Cainites believed that no one could be saved except by “making the journey through everything.” Epiphanius describes them as a group “consecrating… lustful or illegal acts to various heavenly beings” as a sort of sacrament. Interestingly, many scholars compare them to… Satanists.

The extent to which the Merovingians knew of these alternate traditions is uncertain. Whether or not they believed in them is more uncertain still, yet it remains likely that they both knew about these traditions and took them quite seriously. To this very day, the coat of arms of the capital of the Merovingian empire, Stenay, bears an image of the Devil. And the original name of Stenay was “Satanicum.”

The Grail Bloodline and the Descendants of Cain
by Boyd Rice – Oct 20, 2004

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