
Nomancy (also known as Onomancy) is the art or practice of divining the destiny of persons by examining the letters of their names. It may also refer to divination by a person's features.


Derived from the Latin nomen ('name') and manteia ('prophecy')


The theory about the analogy between men's names and their fortunes was supposedly originated among the Pythagoreanism. It produced some speculation concerning Plato and was the source of witticism by Ausonius that probably amused some classical scholars to collect his epigrams.


A name can be analyzed in numerous ways through Onomancy and different cultures have their own version of it. Reading the hidden meanings beyond words and phrases is sometimes practiced in the Torah to uncover its secret messages.

A lot of onomancy illustrations can be found in classical writings. The ancient Greeks and Romans, believed in the symbolism of names therefore the expecting parents ask the help of fortune-teller in choosing the name of their baby. Names are evaluated based on the date and time of birth, the location of birth, and the names of the parents.

During the Middle Ages, onomancy became popular in many parts of Europe. Diviners predict the future of a person by looking at the number of vowels in his name or converting the letters into numerical values to reveal the hidden meaning.

Onomancy is also popular in Asia. In China, the number of strokes used to write a name is believed to be important aside from its characters.


There were two cardinal rules in the science of onomancy: the first concerned the vowels within a man's name. If there was an even number in the name, then there was something amiss in his left side. If the vowel were uneven, this signified a similar affliction in his right side.

The second rule involved the numeral numbering of all the letters within a name. This rule was often used to predetermine the winner of two combatants. The person having the name in which the letters added up to the greater sum was always picked to be the winner. This was how Achilles was chosen to triumph over Hector.

To know what somebody thinks about you, you will need a 36 card deck.
Think of the name of the person you would like to know about. Count the letters in his (her) name. Shuffle the deck.

Then begin putting cards (with back to you) into the number of piles equals to the number of letters in the name. This means that if the name was “Jack” you will get 4 piles of cards. Put the cards the following way: the 1st card has to be put it the 1st pile, the 2nd one – in the 2nd pile, etc. After putting a card in the last pile, the next card has to be put in the 1st pile again, and so on.

When you are finished, take the pile where the last card was put and begin putting the cards in the left piles beginning from the next one. This means that if the last card was put in the 2nd pile, you need to take it and begin putting cards from the 3rd pile.

When there are only 2 piles left, you need to take one pile (same way as said above) and put all its cards to the other pile one-by-one.

After finishing putting cards you will get only one pile. Take it and begin putting cards from its top to the table with back down, so you will be able to see them. If two cards of the same nominal (i.e. two Jacks) are put in a row, take these pair away and continue.

Then take a look at the pairs you've taken away. Every pair means some feeling of the person to you (or action):
6 – trip together
7 – meeting
8 – conversation
9 – likes you
10 – interest
Jack – thinks about you
Queen – loves other person
King – likes your character
Ace – loves you



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