Zulu Mythology
According to Zulu tradition, life began in Uthlanga (or Uhlanga), a vast primordial swamp. Umvelinqangi, the sky Father, descended from the heavens to Uthlanga. He created the reeds on which the Supreme God and creator of humanity, Unkulunkulu, and all the people and animals grew. Unkulunkulu grew upon a reed until he became too heavy. Then he broke off from the reed and fell to Earth. (In a different version of the myth, Unkulunkulu and a woman emerged from a reed together.) Unkulunkulu created all the things of the world—mountains, lakes, and rivers. He broke off all the other people and the animals from the reeds, and they followed him out of the swamp. He taught the Zulu how to hunt, make fire with sticks, and cultivate grain.

Mbaba Mwana Waresa