Paranormal Parasites: The Voracious Appetites of Soul-Sucking Supernatural Entities – Nick Redfern

Paranormal Parasites: The Voracious Appetites of Soul-Sucking Supernatural Entities - Nick RedfernThe terrifying truth is that the Earth is one big farm.

And to paranormal parasites…we are the cattle.

Most people remain oblivious to the truth―there’s a monstrous menagerie of supernatural entities that feed upon human victims without our knowledge. Fueling themselves with our psychic energy, high states of emotion, and essential lifeforce, these dark entities attack as we sleep and even in our waking hours, terrifying and tormenting unsuspecting souls whenever and wherever they can.

Join Nick Redfern as he delves deep into the long history of struggle between us and them. Learn the ways of Shadow People, supernatural seducers, poltergeists, tulpas, the Slenderman, Men in Black, and many other types of energy creatures. With this exciting book’s help, you’ll be ready to face the ancient evil that has lurked in the shadows of mankind since the beginning of time.

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Paranormal Parasites: The Voracious Appetites of Soul-Sucking Supernatural Entities - Nick Redfern



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