BIFRONS ( 46 )
The Demon Bifrons is a Fallen Angel and the 46th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. The earl Bifrons has a monstrous appearance but will take on human shape when ordered to do so. He teaches astronomy, astrology, geometry, other mathematical arts, and the knowledge of herbs, precious stones, and woods. He removes dead bodies from their graves and leaves them in other places and lights phantom candles on the graves. He commands six Legions of Demons.
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
BIFRONS. – The Forty-sixth Spirit is called Bifrons, or Bifrous, or Bifrovs. He is an Earl, and appeareth in the Form of a Monster; but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he putteth on the shape of a Man. His Office is to make one knowing in Astrology, Geometry, and other Arts and Sciences. He teacheth the Virtues of Precious Stones and Woods. He changeth Dead Bodies, and putteth them in another place; also he lighteth seeming Candles upon the Graves of the Dead. He hath under his Command 6 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which he will own and submit unto, etc.
From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)
Bifrons is seene in the similitude of a monster, when he taketh the image of a man, he maketh one woonderfull cunning in astrologie, absolutelie declaring the mansions of the planets, he dooth the like in geometrie, and other admesurements, he perfectlie understandeth the strength and vertue of hearbs, pretious stones, and woods, he changeth dead bodies from place to place, he seemeth to light candles upon the sepulchres of the dead, and hath under him six and twentie legions.
Original Text :
Bifrons, monstri similitudine conspicitur. Ubi humanam assumit imaginem, reddit hominem in Astrologia mirabilem, planetarum mansiones absolute docens, idem præstat in Geometria, and mensuris aliis. Vires herbarum, lapidum pretiosorum and lignorum intelligit. Corpora mortuorum de loco ad locum transmutat: Candelas super defunctorum sepulchra inflammare videtur. Huic subjacent vinginti sex legiones.
Original Text :
Bifrons, démon qui paraît avec la figure d’un monstre. Lorsqu’il prend forme humaine, il rend l’homme savant en astrologie, et lui enseigne à connaître les influences des planètes ; il excelle dans la géométrie; il connait les vertus des herbes, des pierres précieuses et des plantes; il transporte les cadavres d’un lieu à un autre. On l’a vu aussi allumer des flambeaux sur les tombeaux des morts. “Il a vingt-six légions à ses ordres.
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